The travel to club Cyanide took a little longer then expected. The town was busy as hell and everyone was trying to get somewhere. Once he finally arrived, Celebrimbor strolled into the bar ready to drink. It didn’t take long for him to realize that he missed a fight. Some marines where quickly making their way past everyone and out the door. They seemed a little roughed up but, nothing compared to what normally happens here. Before sitting down, Celebrimbor looked around to see what kind of people where around for the night. Many different races and species as per usual, nothing out of the ordinary. A few people did catch his eye though. One woman who was sitting in a corner booth Who he’d never seen before and then a man in a bomber jacket heading to a private room. This raised his brow a little. Only people who really go back there are usually about to make an illegal deal. Normally that would be his place to step in and lay down the law but, tonight the only law he was going to lay down was the shots. Once done looking around, Celebrimbor found Ursa pretty fast. Wasn’t to hard to spot the woman when she dressed like an unfortunate soul. This made him laugh a little since he’s always offered to help her out though she keeps refusing him. Cel walked over and took a seat next to Ursa. [color=00a651]Still running around in rags I see.[/color] Celebrimbor smirked then ordered the two of them some drinks. [color=00a651]Hey I appreciate you coming out tonight with me. Putting our jobs aside, you’re one of the only friends I have outside of the Yakuza I can talk to.[/color] The waitress came back with the drinks. Three shots of the law, which contained 3 different types of alcohol, and One scotch on the rocks. An earth drink he discovered on a trip a few years back. [color=00a651]I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you out of the blue like that. Well...[/color] Cel slammed back his three shots and then the scotch. [color=00a651]Astrik was murdered tonight by woman who clams he forced himself on her. It didn’t really surprise me all to much since he was hammered off his ass. I could smell it the moment I walked in. Well anyways, the rest of the family wants me to take over but I’m not to sure I’d want that position at all. If you recall, I told you once that I wanted to leave the family.[/color] As the two of them where talking, a young drunk man walked over to the table and placed a gun down on it. Celebrimbor just looked up at the man, already unimpressed. [color=00a651]Excuse me sir I’m trying to have a private conversation with my friend here.[/color] The man just laughed and the club went silent. [color=0076a3]You Yakuza are always hogging the whores around here. How about giving this one up to one of us?[/color] The man slurred his words and turned towards his buddy’s and started to laugh with them. He obviously didn’t understand what it meant to talk down to a Yakuza like that. Especially one of Celebrimbors stature. [color=00a651]Look buddy I don’t want to cause a scene, so I’d appreciate it if you apologized to my friend here before things get ugly.[/color] He could see Ursa start to reach for her guns. Celebrimbor didn’t like guns all that much. To the Yakuza they were a cowards weapon. Fists or swords where more his style but could work with anything. The man, though, just laughed harder with his buddy’s and took another drink. [color=0076a3]What’re you gonna do big ma...[/color] And before he could finish his sentence, Cel had punched him square in the jaw. Dropping the man to the floor. His friends quickly stood up ready to fight. Cel cracked his knuckles and stood up as well. [color=00a651]This really isn’t the night you want to do this. I got this Ursa. You just enjoy your book.[/color] The men just growled at Cel then leapt right at him. There was four of them so nothing that would even break a sweat. Cels first punch landed right in the gut then the other in another mans nose. A crack a could be heard from the second mans face. The third man made right swing for Cels face which Cel promptly stepped back for. He then pulled the third man close to him by the scruff of the neck, then slammed him into the ground. The fourth man cowered a bit as he watched his friends get pummelled in seconds. He then dropped to the ground and started to beg for forgiveness, apologizing for his other friends. Celebrimbor couldn’t stand this kind of shit in a fight. He proceeded to stomp the mans face in to the ground, knocking him out cold. [color=00a651] Apologies accepted.[/color] Celebrimbor smirked as he looked back up to the crowd. Everyone in the club stared at him, half in shock and half in awe. Celebrimbor just raised his eyebrow and spoke. [color=00a651]Don’t fuck with the Yakuza. Get back to your drinks.[/color] Everyone turned around and started to chatter again as if nothing ad just happened. The bouncers came over and pulled the five men away, nodding at Celebrimbor as they left. Cel sat back down next to Ursa and ordered another drink. [color=00a651]How’s the book?[/color]