[hr][hr][center][h1][color=9C00FF]Jack Gold[/color] and [color=A36AC7]Rosalia Rider[/color][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/c710e06e7be2e8cf804fcdda9a91738fe8b12f5e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6f7977564951515332716e3173773d3d2d3530353932363935302e313531646638653466643632636237313738343735313530363832382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3vRofYKCYCY16cgg/source.gif[/img][hr][color=9C00FF]Location:[/color] Camelot [color=A36AC7]Skills:[/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Jack couldn't help but laugh slightly at Isabella's comments towards him. [color=9C00FF]"I mean, not going to lie, that would be kind of cool to have abilities like that where you can stretch out and just punch people without being right next to them. Though I will say doubt I'd be the type of comic character like Mister Fantastic, nope I'd probably be more of a laid back type of person, less like Marvel characters and probably a little more towards some of the DC characters. The Elongated Man instantly comes to mind, probably would be more like him then a Mister Fantastic type definitely,"[/color] he said with a bit of a shrug before looking over at Megan, [color=9C00FF]"Yeah no, I am most definitely not like the sparkly vampire!"[/color] She glanced over at Taylor, petting the puppy gently as her mind thought about what to exactly say about everything, [color=A36AC7]"Oh totally, we're in a weird world that apparently we are all from and were all born in, apparently because of my mom I'm [i]technically[/i] royalty but I don't really care much about that since I was stuck on the streets most of my life, but no matter, let's see what insanity awaits us,"[/color] she mused as she walked along after the others, still petting the puppy in her bag. He hardly had any time to register what Merlin had said about everyone needing to get off the road, before Megan had grabbed him by the arm and dragged him off the road and into some brush nearby. [color=9C00FF]"Next time a little bit of warning would be nice Meg,"[/color] he whispered to her once they were settled in their hiding spot. [color=9C00FF]"Also so nice to me about everything, I know better then to clearly stick my head out where everyone can see me, I am not that stupid,"[/color] he added, still making sure to keep his voice down as he glanced towards the road (still keeping his head down somewhat) hoping to catch a glimpse of who was coming after them. Rosalia hadn't really been paying all too much attention to what everyone else was saying, since they all were a bunch of weirdos in her opinion, and Merlin was the strangest one of all. However she instantly snapped to attention when she heard Merlin's words about getting off of the road quickly. She didn't have to be told twice as she was careful with her bag in order not to jostle Lucky too much, and she headed straight for the bushes nearby, ducking down as she did so and petting the puppy still in hopes to keep him somewhat quiet.