[center][h2][color=ff9966]Kendra Damyar[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Kendra was at the Scorchland Pass, replenishing what little supplies she’d used so far, and gathering information. Most people didn’t recognize the names Dusk Tiedine or Ivorydawn Company, but when mentioning [color=ff9966]“You know that rare gem…”[/color] or [color=ff9966]“The mining business some northerns meddled in…”[/color] she got some more helpful reaction. “Well, if it’s mining and northern folk, then it’s gotta be the Highlands,” said one. “Oh, deary, you’ll need a better coat and blanket if you go there, here, have a discount…” added another. “What are you saying, why would anyone from the Highland go all the way to the south to mine, you idiot!” the first one. “Oh, what, so you’re saying [i]Midlands[/i] are the answer? Sure, you have all sort of businessmen there, but-” a third one chipped in. “Midlands ain’t that far north-” contested the first one. “Well, they’re north from [i]here[/i], aren’t they? If it isn’t there, at least they’ll know where to look for sure-” argued the third. “Oh, but you must bring something with you for the Celebration! How about this…” cajoled the second one. “None of those snobs would bother listening some crap about gems and scamming during their festival, and if we’re talking north, might as well go to the Snowlands-” a [i]fourth[/i] one meddled. “Oh, for-” the first one. “That is quite far, you should get more waterskins, and look-” the second one. “Hey, I’m a water mage, how about me? Hire me and I’ll get you all the water-” some fifth young newcomer added. “Hush you, lad,” the first and second one replied almost simultaneously. At this point, Kendra really had quite enough ‘information’, and endeavored to stop the chaotic conversation that developing into a mindless and rather loud conflict. [color=ff9966]“Alright, alright, thank you, THANK YOU, everyone, and yes ma’am, I’ll take that and that, no, no NOT [i]that[/i]…Yes, that’s all. Very helpful, of course, but I must be on my way, you see…”[/color] It was with a sigh of relief that Kendra left the premises, now with a new woolen cloak and extra blanket. A few hours of rest later, she and her mount were refreshed and ready to go, and so they went. Though Kendra has no wish to seek out the church’s help – not yet, not until she was truly desperate – she’d go to the Midlands first, to try and get some more accurate information; or if nothing else, to take a rest from the long journey across Scrublands. Afterwards, she’d travel to the Highlands.