[CENTER][h1][color=slategray][b]M I N N I E R I P P E R[/b][/color][/h1][hr][h3][sup][sup][color=silver]M I N A V I T A G E O R G I N A R I P O L E [color=slategray]◼[/color] A P R I L ' 9 8 ( 2 2 ) [color=slategray]◼[/color] F E M A L E[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]https://i.insider.com/5dee516379d75703965a5c33?width=1200&format=jpeg[/img] [sup][color=silver]"Just be glad 'Bogeyman' isn't a classifier."[/color][/sup] [/CENTER] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][center][IMG]https://em.wattpad.com/88f28b25d459b043eb7c679df186fc6a8621e610/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4c5a7539455435724255545239513d3d2d3133392e313562623164323564373334663030613131343736363737343036342e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/IMG][/center][/INDENT][/INDENT][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//STATS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]5'5"[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ WEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]106lbs[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ BUILD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Slim.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HAIR COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Brunette.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ EYE COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Brown.[/i] [/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Nasty things can come in innocent-looking packages."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i]Born in the beginning of April, 1998, to Martha and Joseph Ripole, the unfortunately named (in her opinion) Minavita Ripole came into the world screaming but burning with passion, arriving in Portland, Oregon, just south of the Canadian border - and, unknown to both her parents the child herself, a member of an emerging new species: Homo Viruim, or Hyperhuman. It wouldn't be until Minavita grew to 19 years old that anyone would know what she really was. Martha Ripole died in 2003, when Minnie was 5. The family - Mother, Father, Daughter - were in the family car, heading to the beach on a warm and lazy June weekend, when they were caught in a head-on collision caused by a Hype incident. Martha, who had been unbuckled, turned around in her seat to entertain Minnie with silly faces, was thrown against the windshield, smashing her head and causing internal bleeding in the brain. She died three days later in hospital, and Joe became a single dad. Minnie's father was good to her. He loved her and supported her, and though they lived in a small house with little luxuries - Joe's job as a tradesman offered little in the way of exorbitant wealth - they lived happily. Minnie missed her mother and Joe missed his wife but they were content with each other. Joe put Minnie through school, and she made friends easily, keeping herself upbeat and friendly, not allowing the maternal gulf in her life to define her. Instead, she became a maternal figure herself, taking on a sense of responsibility far beyond her years - she looked after her friends, and the animals that she found herself increasingly drawn to. Minnie graduated high school at 18, a punk girl for the last three years - she'd fallen for the sound and the aesthetic, appreciating that both were things even she could comfortably afford, and she was drawn to the core concepts that Punk stood for - acceptance and freedom, regardless of creed, race, or in Minnie's case, financial situation. She lost herself in the gritty, dirty riffs, the chaotic drum beats. There was something near-natural about the music to hear, animalistic and instinctual. She sang along where she could, and wrote her own lyrics, filling up notepads - pads she shared with her friends, who immediately span dreams of bands and stardom. A punk-band pipe-dream, but one the group held on to throughout their adolescence nonetheless. After graduation she quickly moved out to a shared apartment with several of the friends she'd made in high school. Her father let her go with his blessing, both anxious about her stepping out into the world, but both happy that she'd made it. She found a job and paid her rent, enjoying her new life, her new home, and her new housemates. They drank, and joked, and jammed, and one night, when the two were done in unison, formed the punk band they'd always talked about but never acted on, hoping to spur the dying music into a second life. They called themselves Calling Jupiter, and began to write and play. Calling Jupiter didn't allow the resurrection they'd hoped for, but it did give them freedom, and paved Minnie's path. They didn't tour, but played in grimy pubs and bars and small halls, making small amounts of money. They had fun, and were happy with that - after all, fun, not monetary gain, was the point of Punk. And then it all collapsed. Minnie was the band's frontman, the lead vocals and personality of Calling Jupiter, strutting about the stage and belting words with ferocity and power. She had her own stage name, 'Minnie Ripper', and she wore it like a badge, transforming into an idealistic version of herself, becoming on-stage who she could never be off it. She was attractive and filled with passion and attitude, suggestive and aloof, a wry smirk and a cocked eyebrow. She was admired. She was desired. And when the guitarist's advances were first ignored and then rejected, Minnie was nearly raped. That was when she performed her first inducement, a stray dog mutating into a fanged, spiked-skinned Monster and tearing her attempted-rapist's throat out. That was when she found out she was a Hype. That was when she fled to Canada. Canada didn't seem like the obvious choice, but it was Canada that was known best for its tolerant attitude toward Hypes, Canada that had a fledgling academy dedicated to the shelter and education of Hypes, Canada that was close enough to use to flee from murder charges. Minnie was found by a SHIFT strike team, and given safe harbour and enrollment in PRCU. She fought off the charges levied against her with self-defense as her main case, and secondary manslaughter as her back up - thankfully, the first stuck. No longer needing the safety of a border between her and the law, Minnie's father invited her home - but, as much to her own surprise as her fathers, she elected to stay at PRCU, studying and training. They had been a home to her to a time of crisis, and she felt safe - something she was in desperate need of now. Now, Minnie is 22, the punk aesthetic gone but not forgotten, shed in favour of something that doesn't remind her of that night. She exchanges letters with her father and practices her abilities, accepting of her inclusion in this new, emergent species, but a little less pleased with her status as a monster maker. Right now, there are staff that are eager to push her into SHIFT, as her abilities make her a serious contender as a SHIFT enforcer if harnessed properly - but frankly, she's fine with not using them. Doesn't mean she doesn't practice, though. She does see something cute in her creations.​[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"This is my Anxiety Support Dog. Also my bodyguard."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][center][INDENT][INDENT][IMG]https://64.media.tumblr.com/03936fd23833f960ea4adf5cc733124c/tumblr_pvqya6EA4h1y0o31io4_500.gifv[/IMG][/INDENT][/INDENT][/center] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//ABILITIES:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Minnie possesses the ability to manipulate the biology of certain animals - at this point, dogs and some birds - and induce mutation, forcing them to become larger, more monstrous, and allowing their aggressiveness to surge. This mutation is temporary, but with concentration, also allows Minnie to have complete psychic control over their actions and behavior.​[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//LIMITATIONS:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Minnie needs extended, uninterrupted contact with the animal she has chosen to induce, and inducing multiple Monsters requires more time and harder concentration - attempting to induce too many animals too quickly will exhaust Minnie, and can cause collapse or even coma. Her psychic command over Monsters also grows weaker and more difficult to maintain the more Monsters she is attempting to control. The inducement of a Monster only lasts for a certain time, directly related to the amount of concentration and effort put into both the inducement and the psychic link.​[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//WEAKNESSES:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Obviously, Minnie's ability has little use outside of a combat scenario, and Minnie herself has little self-defense capabilities without her Monsters - and having her Monsters further depends on animal presence. If Minnie has her Monsters, she still requires concentration and strength to make and maintain the psychic command - and a sufficient distraction will loose the Monsters on friend, foe, and Minnie alike until their inducement wears off.​[/i][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][b][color=CADETBLUE]//SUPPORTING CAST:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=CADETBLUE]◼ [I]JOSEPH RIPOLE |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Minnie's father, a kind and aging soul, ever-grieving for the loss of his wife but dipping in such immense joy for the life of his daughter. Despite a Hype incident causing Martha's death, he strives not to harbour resentment or hatred, and his efforts towards tolerance were only bolstered by his daughter's public entrance into the Homo Virium species. Joe Ripole is a simple man with a simple job, but he is warm, open-minded, and enjoys a cold can of beer after a hard day's work.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=CADETBLUE]◼ [I]MARTHA RIPOLE |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Minnie's mother, sadly torn from the world after being caught in a pile-up that was caused by an unfortunate Hype incident. Her death left an irreparable hole in the lives of Minnie and Joseph, but neither allowed their grief to consume them; Joseph allowed his love of his daughter to save him, while Minnie herself became the maternal figure she would have otherwise missed.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=CADETBLUE]◼ [I]RUDY FOSTER |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Drummer of Calling Jupiter, Minnie's post-high school punk band. Tall, strong, and well aware of both, he was nonetheless friendly, and almost gentle, if a tad clumsy. He drinks a lot but rarely feels it, and smokes a lot and always feels it. He's been a good confidant to Minnie, although there are some secrets she likes to keep. [/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=CADETBLUE]◼ [I]HENRY JONES |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Guitarist of Calling Jupiter. An arrogant, short-tempered man, but with an absorbing confidence and an aura of fun that made him engaging and approachable. He was Minnie's go-to-guy for a good time, and often the life of what little 'after-party' there was after a Calling Jupiter pseudo-gig - but his illusion was brought down after his romantic intentions upon Minnie were ultimately rejected, and he sought to force his desires upon her. Fortunately for Minnie and Earth at large, her Hype status awakened, and Henry was soon de-throated by a monstrous was-dog. He was Minnie's traumatic entry into her true heritage, and the nightmarish beginning of her new life.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=CADETBLUE]◼ [I]POGGLES |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]A pug assigned to Minnie after her initial arrival at PRCU as a therapy dog during her follow-up treatment after being targeted in an attempted rape. Greatly adored by Minnie, he soon seized a fast loyalty to her, helped no end by multiple inducements and psychic connections due to Minnie's innate abilities. Despite her therapy being two years behind her, Poggles remains distinctly Minnie's dog, and stands steadfast beside her, protecting her, comforting her, and becoming a vicious, six-legged, many-fanged monster when Minnie needs slight more protection.​[/i][/indent]