[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/thU5NC6.png[/img] [/center] [color=8882be]Time:[/color] +6:45 hrs [color=8882be]Location:[/color] Space, a very far way from Earth [hr] [center][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Morose][@Framing A Moose][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/W2P56Ad.png[/img] [I][color=#45adad]Location:[/color] Water Processing Room [color=#45adad]Skill:[/color] [hr][hr][/I] [/center] Luke was still pretty confused about what was going on as well. Near as he could tell the tall being had been asked to be murdered. He looked to Cal and shrugged slightly at her questions. [color=#45adad]"She got some device from this person and wandered off following a map. Someone should let Ryanor know she isn't dead. I think he's going to have an aneurysm."[/color] Tessa volunteered and went back down into the pipe. Luke considered following her, or even Zarina. But Noah and the strange being were talking to each other. Now that the being was no longer pinned they stood up. Their height was a little disconcerting and it made the stairs make a bit more sense. The ladder had been built of someone much taller than any of them. And since they were so thin and stretched out the pipes weren't claustrophobically small for them. [color=0080ff]"I can make it look like you slipped, but with the device missing they might suspect we are behind it even still."[/color] Noah said. The being nodded and turned to Vinnie to answer her questions. "It is part of my programming." They looked a little uncomfortable saying that. "When I was flesh and bone I had never heard of humans. But I was stolen from my planet like you all were. When I awoke I had no memory of who I was. I with several others of my people were put through some tests. They all died. When the Vendri were done they took my essence and put it in this body. I had use to Them. If they find you are useless you will die as my people all have." Luke winced. They hadn't been joking when they said they saw their past in the group's future. "Please, grant me this mercy and I pray for you all to find mercy in the future." [hr][hr] [center][color=8882be][h3][u][i][b]Sector Two Group Containment - Galley[/b][/i][/u][/h3][/color][/center] A heated argument was being had in the Galley. One of their numbers had been discovered to be a robot. They were awake and alive but had cut their hand when they dropped a ceramic cup and gone to pick it up. Paranoia was rampant. One of the men was waving a knife at the young woman turned robot. [hr][hr] [center][color=8882be][h3][u][i][b]Sector One Group Containment - Pipes[/b][/i][/u][/h3][/color][/center] Raynor was alone. Tessa started to climb down the pipe and found Raynor at the base of the ladder. There was just enough room to maneuver around so they were half-crouched half-kneeling near the ladder. [color=#ad4545]"Situation is under control. Turns out the being Zarina ran into is just a technician. Their name is Y96-2 or something like that. They straight up asked for us to throw them to their death off the catwalk. Zari took off again though. Following a map on the device, she got from Y96. I'd say join everyone in the main area in the water processing area. It gets us out of here. I'll let Gordon know."[/color] Tessa said and crawled toward the atrium.