The Global Positioning System displays an arrow on the path through Nora's Digital Interfacing Gear, indicating her turn is in 100 meters. As she neared her turn, the client's song wound down and the next started up, blasting the newest, loudest, and most nonsensical of modern music. With a groan, she picked up speed. At least this client isn't inclined to converse about nothingness that is small matters, or isn't asking questions to which the answers are none of their business. Or crying. That may very well be the worst. At least the clients that are trying to get a cheeky make-out session in the back of her aircraft mostly have the good graces to keep it down. The D.I.G. pops up with a warning- Your destination is on the left. Docking the aircraft on the pad, the music cuts out as the client gets a notification of the transit fee. Once the transaction is approved the doors open and the client departs. The music syncs back up with Nora's preferences as the door closes. Flipping off her "On Duty" status, Nora gets clearance for take-off from the Air Traffic AI. With a deep sigh, borne from boredom and hunger, she takes to the skyways. The com beeps with and incoming communication. Accepting the call, a voice takes over the audio in Nora's earphones. "I have a pick up on Broadcoast requesting you. Are you off already?" "I'm on my union mandated lunch break, Tory." This happens all. the. time. Skye-Way Air Taxi is becoming more popular every day and they cannot keep up with staffing. The union means nothing when it means the company will lose a client. What once was a decent job quickly turned into a nightmare, and it's one Nora lives every day. A conflicted sigh comes through the com, and then silence. It wasn't Nora's job to ease their minds over overworking their drivers, and she sure as hell wasn't about the break the silence first. "Look, Huxter, we need you. How about we comp you your lunch? Just get over to Broadcost." "Understood." Nora ends the communication with frustration. Blackwater Corp couldn't get back to her about her application soon enough. Well, she may as well pick up some food and socially accepted chemical dependence on the way. Nora keys in the location of the little gem she recently found on her G.P.S., The Emerald Garden.