Sabatine pulled her commo helmet from her head and followed Higgs and Capperelli in through the wrought iron gate. The bosun hadn't been best pleased to be rousted from the brothel they had found him in but he hadn't complained or tried to shirk the duty which was a good sign. He had also been staggeringly drunk but after a dousing with cold water and a half hour spent searching for Kaiden he was, well not sober, but functional. A pair of liveried servants tried to step into the way. "Mistress this is a private party, who do you think you are to..." the servants self important rant choked off as Capperelli punched him in the stomach and shoved him head long into a well manicured rose bush. That wasn't a good choice, but it wasn't so far from Sabatine's on reaction that she would bother to mention it. "No one you want to fuck with tonight buddy," Higgs growled, though he directed the comment at the second servant who was already backing away with his hands raised. None of the spacers carried guns, or even the more customary knives or clubs, but she didn't doubt that her people would finish any trouble the locals put up about her barging into a private party. Fortunately further trouble was abrogated by the fact that Kaiden was close to hand. "Kai," she called out, waving her hand at him, though he could hardly have missed his shipmates assaulting his hosts servants. The use of the diminutive name was intended to convince the locals that she knew Kaiden well enough that they should butt out without further object lessons delivered by her spacers, and to signal to Kaiden that this wasn't strictly speaking, official RCN business. The matter had been reported to Captain Micha who had said that it was a matter for the local police to sort out. He hadn't said that to Sabatine however so she was choosing to interpret that as Micha's opinion rather than official order. A few quick calls to the local police precincts had confirmed Cappereili's initial suspicion, whoever had taken the Midshipman, it wasn't the dirt side cops. Whoever it was though, was going to learn that the RCN didn't sit by and wait for the local PD to put down their donuts when one of their own was taken. At least if Sabatine had anything to say about it, which for the moment, she did. Involving Kaiden was a calculated risk but at least if both she and the XO concurred on the course of action it would be harder for Micha to raise any objections after the fact. They were, after all, the officers on the ground. She had used the recall plate Kaiden carried to locate him, all spacers on liberty carried such devices in case their should be some urgent need to recall them to the ship, but she hadn't activated it. To do so might alert the captain to what she was up to, which would give him a chance to order her not to do it. No one stopped her as she mounted the patio and closed with Kaiden. "We have a situation XO," she said softly enough that only he and probably Tilda could hear. As directly as she could she outlined the situation, including the fact that Captain Micha had been made aware of it and seemed inclined to wait for the local cops to sort it out. "It was all planned in advance," she concluded. Sabatine had linked her commo helmet to the ships systems, an easy enough trick if you were familiar with the hardware, which most people weren't. It amazed her how little interest people took in the tech they used every single day. Working in maintenance at Harbor Three had required her to learn every subsystem and hidden routine in almost every piece of kit the RCN used and she had learned very quickly that most people, even techs, didn't know they were there unless they directly bore on their day to day activities. Accessing the ship she had been able to uplink to the orbital satellite imagery, fortunately there as no cloud cover, and had spotted the snatch team staging in a nearby parking area before Otis had even entered the brothel. She had also been able to track them to a compound high up in the eastern hills. It was obviously guarded, though by nothing more than stone walls and a dozen or so locals. "I don't have a second commo helmet but I suppose I could bring it up on a holo display," Sabatine concluded. Kaiden opened his mouth but Tilda produced a small palm sized unit and passed it to Sabatine. "Use mine," she said helpfully. Sabatine nodded curtly and took the unit before pausing. "It is up to you sir," she said choosing her words carefully. Kaiden was a scion of the Cinnibar nobility and thus understood that she was working around the Captain without her stating it directly. "If you have duties here you can't leave..." she went on. If Kaiden didn't want to get involved that was his prerogative, but duty required that Sabatine report what she had learned to a superior. Kaiden was no coward, she knew that, but if he didn't want to stick his neck out for what might easily turn into a real ratfuck she would understand the choice, even if she couldn't respect it.