[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ykMJ2vk1ilQp8QV1z-CruoKZw5xQwX4ZKW50d7a4Fwg/%3Fcb%3D20190222195549/https/vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/f/f1/Sakura_Spirit.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?width=138&height=300[/img] [h3][color=fff79a]Kasugano Sakura[/color][/h3] Level 2: 15/20 Location: Edge of the Blue Word Count: 335 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 16/20 [/center] Sakura deflated under the woman's shadowed gaze. Turning a shoulder towards her she took a step back and touched her index fingers together anxiously, casting her eyes down at the ground. [color=fff79a]"I-I mean...no..."[/color] She trailed off in response to the question. Turning away, she watched the cartoon pirate storm away in an indignant huff. It was hard to believe it, but this mysterious, enigmatic person was an ally. [color=fff79a][i](She's just trying to help. But still...I don't...I'm not comfortable with her plan! I've never even saved anyone before! How am I supposed to be so sure of my heroism that I'm willing to throw ten people under the bus!? What if we fail? And what's the point of being a hero if we don't try to save everybody? This wasn't what I was imagining at all.)[/i][/color] Sakura listened to the cloaked figure talk to everyone else. There was no point in arguing with her, she was steadfast in her belief. She had done the research and came to this conclusion. The Maw plan was the best way to cross. She was also hard to listen to, her manner of speaking was flowery and full of detatched, odd, and unnerving wisdom. [color=fff79a]"...Maybe the best way isn't always the right way."[/color] Sakura muttered to herself, disengaging from the conversation. Stones and dirt were scraped away by Sakura's softly kicking sneakers. What would Ryu-san do? She wished he was here. Instead someone (probably her now that she was beginning to put things together) had beat the crap out of him and she was whisked off for adventure. Only it wasn't an adventure, instead Sakura just felt...clammy and uncomfortable. Maybe someone else could figure out a better plan. All Sakura could do was toss around a couple fireballs and uppercuts. To help regain her composure, Sakura went prone on the grass and began to do perfect form push ups. She had pulled back from the group and occasionally glanced over to the ocean on her left.