[center][img]https://imgur.com/3pCKdrd.png[/img][/center] Well she hadn’t expected [I]that[/I]. Well, maybe she had. It wasn’t exactly the first time she’d been socked in the jaw...after all, no-one was as aggressive as a gymnast in the height of competition season. Apart from the coaches that is. Nevertheless, the punch had been surprisingly strong, causing her to stumble backwards, and she'd been required to reach out a hand to steady herself against a tree trunk before she lost her balance completely. Blinking, Summer slowly became aware of a sudden bloom of pain that was spreading across the bottom of her face. The pain was intense but it soon began to dull to a mere, more tolerable throbbing ache. For a second she hoped that it wouldn’t bruise, before remembering that was something she could easily cover up...especially now that she had access to the Wellsprings magic. Looking down at her other empty palm, she realised that the ferret must’ve slipped from her grasp. No surprise that such a weaslley person would pick such a weaslley familiar. She didn’t really care about the creature anyway. It had been a crude bargaining chip and when Calypso picked it up with the aid of her magic (why she couldn’t just used her [i]actual[/i] hands, she wasn’t sure), she inwardly shrugged her shoulders. It probably wouldn’t have been a great idea to kill the thing anyway...she was pretty certain the elders would be extremely pissed off if she had. Arms hung at her side, Summers nails dug into the palm of her hands as several of the other initiates came running over, all keen to end the fight. It only served to irritate her further as streams and streams of empty words rushed over her head. [color=f6989d][sub]’Let’s cool our emotions...let’s start being civilised...let’s think rationally...'[/sub][/color] Summer wanted to tell them all to shut up. Did they not understand? Did they not know that she [i]couldn’t[/i]? And that even if she could, she could never...would never stand for such a belonging to be taken from her. Calypsos words in particular bit at her already short tether. For a second, a couple of tears threatened to well up at the edges of her eyes but she pushed them back, determined that she would never cry in front of such annoying people. Anyone with even an ounce of taste could see that the bracelet was no simple dollar-store item. It was pure silver, a ring of perfect (once unmarred) metal. On the inner ring was inscribed ‘SA’ but aside from that, it was simple and delicate. It’s true power came from the magic that was imbued in it. It’s why she loved it so much...it not only reminded her of her father, but she could practically feel his presence when she wore it. And it would’ve helped calm her, at least a little, during times like this...but sadly, and obviously, she did not have it on her. Shaking herself from her reverie, she realised that the punch had affected her more than she’d initially thought. Her vision blurred for second, a fresh wave of dizziness threatening to send her tumbling to the floor. Holding her nails tightly against the skin on the palm of her hand, she let the pain jolt her awake. [color=f6989d][sub]Fuck.[/sub][/color] If she tried to fight now she knew she would be out within seconds. Even using the small amount of magic she had planned was risky but she [i]just[/i] couldn’t help herself. Strolling up to Dakota, seemingly oblivious to the threat of another punch, she stared her dead in the eyes. [color=f6989d]“I’d ask you for it again but you’re clearly so obtuse that anything I say will just go straight in one ear and out the other.”[/color] Managing a grim smile, Summer lifted up a finger to prod Dakota in the centre of her forehead. The magic was subtle, flowing through her fingertips like a gentle breeze...like the fringes of a dying wave at the shore line. One moment Dakotas vision would be normal and the next it would be, well...gone. Not darkness or blackness. Gone, as if there was no input feeding into the occipital lobe of her brain. Of course it was just an illusion (and one that she knew would only last a minute or two max) but it was horrible to experience. She’d tried it on herself several times...once having lost her vision for the good part of an hour. The image of her trying to leave her room and walking into the doorframe several times would’ve been a funny one, if she’d been able to see it. [color=f6989d]“I’ll have that back now thank you...”[/color] Summer held up a palm, initially planning on teleporting the bracelet back to herself. Yet as she did so, she felt her body weaken, threatening to collapse once more. She was running off empty and it could sustain no more magic. [color=f6989d]“I-I...”[/color] As tears of frustration actually begun to spill from her eyes, Summer suddenly charged off, straight into the darkness of the woods. Her own vision blurred a few times as she walked, body stumbling over roots and branches and rocks, but she didn’t stop. She wanted to get away from them all. She wanted to be alone...so she walked, deeper and deeper and deeper. All she could think was that her bracelet was gone. No doubt Dakota would toss it after what she'd done to her...of course she would. [@Hitman] [@Canaryrose]