Type restrictions? Had she heard something about that before? It wasn't something she'd ever had to deal with, and somehow she felt grateful. It seemed like a stifling thing to her, but she could just be resisting change. There certainly was a particular deciding factor, though. That old trainer in her wanted to know if it was even worth her interest. "Hey, you mentioned that before, didn't you. About your league. I think I picked up a brochure at the Pokemon Center," she slung her bag around from her bag to dig around in it "but I'd rather hear from a trainer's mouth. Your League sounds way different than what I'm used to," she pulled out the object of her search, closing her bag and slinging it back around so she for focus her eyes on reading, "what's this about type restrictions?" Watching the battle reminded her of herself, in a way. Was she getting old? "You did well enough. Weedles don't have a lot of tricks, so you have to work with what you've got. You made good use of what Weedle can do. There is, though... Hmm... How do I say this..." She started out like any other trainer, herself. Just catching what she wanted. It's how she got Rapier, and look. He still followed her around. Of course, she usually just let him fly around, so maybe he just likes being at her side. But, as she journeyed, her attitude slowly changed. "It seemed like you might have been able to coax it into joining you, instead of having to battle it. It liked your compliment. Well, maybe it would have wanted to fight anyway, in the end." "I mean, you do it however you want. It isn't my place to tell you your method of training is any better or worse than mine. That all comes out in the League. I just want to help you out."