[CENTER][h1][b]T H E T W I L I[/b][/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/dc/61/f6dc61002e3d44029479640b8a6f2bbd.png[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub]T E R R I T O R Y : T H E T W I L I G H T R E A L M [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] D E I T Y : T H E T R I F O R C E [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] L O Y A L T I E S : T H E T W I L I G H T Q U E E N [/sub] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center] [/cell][cell] [sub][b] SUMMARY[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [INDENT]The Twili are an enigmatic race of magical beings that exist through the Twilight Mirror in the Twilight Realm, a half-shadowed world that their tribe was banished to long ago, and that they have since made their home. The Twili are peaceful, though this is largely irrelevant to Hyrule and those that live there; the Twilight Mirror is shattered into pieces that cannot be recovered, and with it, so to is the only door between Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. Long ago, a tribe of sorcerers known as the Interlopers attempted to use their magic to rule the Sacred Realm and take the Triforce for themselves. Displeased with them, the Three Goddesses banished them to the Twilight Realm, where, over millenia, they slowly evolved, abandoning their original desires and adapting to life in their new home, though holding on to their natural aptitude for magic. Twili are humanoid, but strange caricatures of Hylians, with featureless, black-and-white skin, strange runic markings, stretched forms and limbs and elongated necks. They are also intelligent, with a cultured society and technology surpassing that of Hyrule. Sadly, while previously the Twili used the Twilight Mirror to visit Hyrule, the invasion of Zant against Hyrule resulted in a second shattering of the mirror, pulling all Twili back to their realm, and cutting off all travel between the two kingdoms. [/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table]