[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cl86vjI.png[/img][hr] [color=#ff7f00]Location:[/color] Hotel Valhalla: Feast Hall of the Slain [color=#ff7f00]Skill:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Dalisy didn't keep the surprise from her face when Runa's Father was revealed. Her jaw dropped and she looked at Arnora. In all the time that Dalisy had been here, she had never seen a child of Baldur, but she knew the rune. Everyone did. It was a sign of the end times. She looked at Elizabeth, she snapped her mouth shut and then said, [color=#ff7f00]"Well seems your vision will be taken seriously now."[/color] She looked at the Norns. Dalisy had her own opinion about Ragnorok. She knew it couldn't be stopped forever. That it was inevitable. And because of that, she had a fatalistic look at it. Valhalla had collected a bunch of warriors who had died, who had failed to live through a fight. They were all doomed to fail again. It was dumb to her. Why get failed warriors? It was asking to fail more. They should have been collecting warriors that died in their old age after surviving a bunch of fights instead of ones who had died. Dalisy sighed. [color=#ff7f00]"Guess we finally have to deal with the end of the world. Goodie."[/color] There was a hint of sarcasm.