[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmjRHYr.png?1[/img] [h3][color=548b54]Dulga Tarata[/color][/h3][/center] Eventually everyone finished their introductions. Dulga didn't really pay too much attention to their motives or reasons for being a hero, she just remembered their names. Most of them anyways. Shortly after Mako told everyone to change into their clothes and meet her at the gym. Dulga guessed they were about to do a practical exam. Dulga went and changed into her gym clothes, but still kept her cloak and mask on. And sure enough when Dulga arrived after changing out from her uniform Mako wanted them to show off their quirks. Dulga wasn't entirely certain how exactly to show off her powers since it was basically just super strength, and it's not like they wheeled in a car or something here. Just a box full of props. Eventually though Dulga had an idea that should be simple enough to do without any complex equipment. When it was her turn Dulga walked up to the boxes, digging around for sturdy or heavy stuff. The closest thing was a 30 kg steel weight. Gingerly lifting it out from the box with only her index and thumb, Dulga presented the weight to the class. Then it was snapped in half between her thumb. Before both halves could hit the ground two more pairs of scarred arms appeared from underneath her cloak, each grabbing one half of the weight and pressing it together into a jagged and mostly flat disk. Parts of the weight that couldn't handle the stress shattered while the rest was forcefully twisted into shape. Taking one discus into her main hand she tossed it far through the air with a notable curve as it was about to hit the ceiling. But before that could happen Dulga tossed the other discus straight with such speed that it would crash into the first discus before it could hit the ceiling and sending both crashing to the ground. Then Dulga just walked over to the shattered mess, picked it up, and compressed the remains into a tightly packed cube with her hands. She set the steel cube down in the boxes and wiped her hands clean with a handkerchief. Then Dulga stood back in line with the rest of the students. [color=548b54][i]"That was kind of sad. I just did what anyone with super strength would do. I'm really not very creative without my tools."[/i][/color] As she was thinking that her fingers twitched as if she was pulling a trigger and this caused her to sigh tiredly. [color=548b54][i]"I guess that's just part of being a hero. Most rely solely on their quirks after all. I'll have to figure out a compromise somehow. Maybe learn how to use my super strength in more creative ways."[/i][/color]