[@dragonpiece][@Th3King0fChaos][@The Man Emperor][@Landaus Five-One] [center][h3]Oli Cinter and Jordan Quinn[/h3][/center] Oli had been writing on one of many white boards along the walls of the gym. He'd stopped and approached as Hailey was showing signs of distress. And knelt there to watch the students support her. As they talked he waited his turn, a soft caring smile on his face, before offering, "Hailey, you've got friends here, you've got classmates that sound like they'd put themselves on the line here. The Dread may feel cold. But the care of your friends, classmates and the staff will help you pull through." He doesn't try and hug her or touch her, but the clear caring of an adult is there. He nods slowly ready smile on his face, "You take your time, bask in the help and caring of your friends." He gets back to his feet and heads back to the white board finishing what he was writing. The boards reads: [center][i] *Have your lunch! Gotta eat to grow up big and strong! *Do your laps! Four and two! You know what to do! *Warm up and stretching. *It's Noble Arms training day! You're mine now! *Light Combat and Movement: What it means for you! *Light Sparring Practice *Cool down and Summary *why are you still reading this? *seriously stop... *...come on now *okay fine... *We're no strangers to love/You know the rules and so do I[/i][/center] Oli smiles as he finishes the list off with a flourish of the white board marker. And winks at the students who are there for class. Jordan in the meantime is sitting with the others, and he had watched Hailey, Oscar and Henry speaking about Hailey's moment of sadness and dread. He sat nearby leaned forward but didn't try and add his own words to the moment. It'd be too much, not wanting to smother her. Besides it sounds like Nath, Oscar and Henry had it down helping her through that moment. He's still there showing his support of course. He looks to Henry and Oscar after abit, "So what do we hear about the mission today? How are we going to work this? Do we know when they are getting here?" Oli suddenly steps up to the three, "Ah right I knew I had forgot something." He kneels in front of Oscar, Henry and Jordan, "I hate to break this too you three. But I was notified that the Senators won't be here today. Something about some big shindig back at the senate house. They won't be able to make it for another week. Which is really a good thing. We kinda dumped this on ya at the last moment right? This time will allow for some planning and a second line to be put forth right? So yeah I'm sorry for notifying you all of a sudden. But this might be in the end a good thing." Oli makes a gesture of apology to the trio. Jordan blinks, "Well damn. I didn't expect that even remotely. But well okay." He hums and looks at Oscar and Henry, "We can use this right? I mean this would have been the first time we ever worked together. Maybe we can fit some training in? See what we can do as a team?" He looks at Oscar and Henry. It's only then that Jordan looks up at the board, "Oh crap! I haven't eaten yet!" He digs into his backpack for his lunch. Oli steps on away and waves to Hailey, "You wanted to know what we're doing right kiddo?" He grins brightly, "Get a little food in you, not too much though as I intend to work ya some this class."