[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KeAjc2u.png[/img][/center] [center][sup]The Basic Bitch Beach House[/sup][/center] Outside, the sound of some Cuban music bumped, and the noise of a party-drunk bunch of stragglers came through a dirty apartment window. Steam curled over the cup of coffee as Mariah stared down into the street below. Behind her, the floor creaked, and a voice asked, [color=#CBABCB]"How a fuck you up so early?"[/color] Mariah looked over her shoulder at Tory and, as usual, he was topless. Squinting heavily in the morning light, he walked over to the fridge with a yawn, saying, [color=#CBABCB]"You never up early."[/color] Raspily, Mariah replied, [color=#F3128D]"No duermo. No sueƱo--"[/color] Her voice caught and she took a long drink from her coffee. She'd tried to sleep but kept seeing it every time she closed her eyes. Hearing it whenever the silence moved in-- Had Kara screamed? Or was that just the voice of the monster? Both? Were those the sounds of her bones breaking-- fizziling and popping-- flesh curdling, sloughing off, being dissolved. Was it joy for the beast? Would it have laughed as it killed her too? A strangled noise of distress left Mariah unconsciously. Hector sloooowly looked over the open refrigerator door at her, squinted, then pulled out a jar of peanut-butter-- that he insisted on keeping in the fridge for some Peruvian reason-- with a bunch of eggs, and some milk. [color=#CBABCB]"You fuck? You fuckin' high-- what,"[/color] Tory asked as he took down a HUGE container of WHEY protein from atop the fridge, [color=#CBABCB]"What you mean? Is four-- you the sleepiest bitch?"[/color] Mariah didn't say anything as she watched him crack open several eggs, scoop peanut-butter, protein powder, and dump milk into a nearby blender and, to sweeten the deal, dump a bunch of used coffee grounds into the mix. As the blender WHIRRRRRR'd, Tory locked eyes with Mariah, and her gaze dropped to his waistline. [color=#F3128D]"Ya belly button's a spike,"[/color] Mariah informed him. [color=#CBABCB]"Fuck you,"[/color] Tory replied with a frown, [color=#CBABCB]"What you go do today?"[/color] Right on cue, Mariah pulled her phone out of her pocket, and showed him the Uber arrival notification. Again, Tory frowned, [color=#CBABCB]"But is four-- what you. WALK AWAY FROM ME? Walk away-- FUCK YOU IS FOUR--"[/color] With a not-so gentle slam, the door to the apartment closed behind Mariah, and she walked out. Around five in the morning, Mariah arrived at the Beach House, but she didn't go up to the door or walk in, because she needed to have a nervous breakdown on the beach instead. Yeah, there were some tears, some water kicked, some sand thrown, and she eventually found herself walking-- just walking-- all the way to the nearest coffee shop, then another, then a hotdog stand, then a boardwalk. By the time she ended up on her way toward the Beach House for the meeting, she had peed at least seventeen times in random places around town or on the beach, and she was more than twenty-four hours without sleep. What was it now? When had she last slept? Was this how time traveling worked? Because she entirely didn't recall how she got to the poolside with the rest of the Coven, but she sure as hell was knees deep in meeting, and was staring directly at Claudette as she was talking. Mariah looked down-- what the fuck was she wearing? A set of beat-up sneakers, some paint-stained sweat pants cut into shitty shorts, a bright ass tank top that had a very crunchy coca-cola logo on it, and... a cowboy hat. Mariah pat herself down, feeling the weight of her knife in its usual place, then she opened her fan sharply, and began to give herself some breeze. [quote=Claudette]"Does anyone have any ideas?"[/quote] Mariah continued to fan herself, shaking her head in response with a mumbled, [color=#F3128D]"Nah sis,"[/color] and letting the others speak up. And, of course, they did. She was glad for it because, as everything in her body seemed to be vibrating from a continued sugar-caffeine-sleep-deprived high, Mariah extremely wasn't catching any words or conversation, as she stood there sweating her damn underwear boggy. She was pretty sure that her voice would come out high pitched like one of them sped up cartoon characters if she said a full sentence at this point. Her gaze grew distant again, behind her dark ass shades, and the thousand yards was stared at once more. Had Kara screamed...?