A small metal coin with a faint green sheen to it. Though the gold glittered like any other, when the light caught it just right the hue shifted as if reflecting fields of clover that did not exist. A small bag sat behind the coin, tied up with a green ribbon. "Excuse me?" Sara approached with an empty smile. She did not know if the seller was aware of just what he had. "What is this?" She picked up the coin curiously and turned it around. "It looks like a bad fake to me." The seller shrugged. "A novelty, nothing more." The man picked up the bag and emptied it onto the table. Three more of the green-gold fell out, along with a wide assortment of wooden and stone replications of the local currency. "Probably some scam artist was hoping he could pass them in the dark. They'll make fine toys for a child to practice counting and figuring change with." Sara beamed at the man. Though a small part of her felt guilty for not telling him the truth of what he held, she had more important things to worry about. Like Lydia. "That sounds perfect, what a lovely idea! Have some young grandchildren that would just love them. How much would you like for the bag?" She didn't care what the answer was, she knew she would pay it. Barely registering what he asked for, she set down the coins without question. The bag of fakes, along with those four precious pieces of leprechaun's gold, were slid into a pocket on her dress. Before she turned away, however, the matron remembered her actual quest. "Do you think you could answer me a few questions?" She smiled brightly at the nodding man. "Thank you! I haven't traveled these roads in quite a while, and I should like to avoid the mines if I could. My grandson is with me, and I have heard that those looking to escape will sometimes attack passing carts. For his sake, I should like to avoid a tussle. Do you mind telling me which roads lead closest to them?" "Why of course!" The man set into a detailed description of the local roadways, along with where they could expect to pay tolls, what was considered the safest course of travel, and of course, where the most active mines currently were situated. "Thank you very much." Content with the information, she headed back out into the markets to see if she could find anything else that might help. Now that she had the leprechaun's gold, she had no doubt she would be successful. After all, it was one of the luckiest substances known to man.