[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4Rj7chJ.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EkAnTYS.png[/img][/center][hr] That first reply from her surprised him a little. It meant she had little to no attachment back to wherever her home was... though he supposed that he should've expected a response like that. If you went into the ice on the regular, you probably didn't have much waiting for you back home anyway-- and she's been in the ice longer than anyone else he's ever known. Holden merely nodded at her second response with a satisfied look. [color=#239C89]"Fair enough."[/color] Holden smiled. [color=#239C89]"It's good to have you with us then, Miss Isra."[/color] As Adam went to speak to Artemie, Holden looked to Zakharin, Jacira, and Fox. The prospect of having a place named after himself certainly sounded interesting to Castle, but the recognition wasn't why he was here. Jacira mentioned heading to the hangar bay, to which the man nodded. [color=#239C89]"It's about that time."[/color] Castle rose from his seat on the bench, glancing at his watch. It looked like they had enough time to walk to the hangar with time to spare, though it would be nice to be punctual. He also noted that the date read fifteen years ahead from the time he went into Cryosleep. Holden took a small satisfaction in the fact that his timepiece remains reliable, and picks up the remnants of his meal. [color=#239C89]"Let's get moving."[/color] The man followed shortly behind the others, disposing the remains of his MRE into the waste heap, before stacking his tray on top of the others.