My mom is the same way there, which is a point of contention between us if something goes wrong that we're both dealing with, haha. Her instinct is to get tough with whoever we're talking to, while I'm the one standing to the side, making friendly conversations, cracking jokes and generally trying to keep the mood light until we get the problem solved xD She gets so annoyed because she likes getting things done right away, and my method makes it take longer to get results. I'm rarely in a hurry though, so it doesn't bother me. I think the only time I ever really started to get frustrated was when I was trying to fix a problem with my computer. I run Bootcamp on my Mac so I can use Windows, and apparently because it's a Frankenstein program, nobody with Microsoft OR Apple knows what the hell to do with it, and neither group are even ALLOWED to give advice to customers when something goes wrong with it. I kept being told by Apple to talk to Microsoft and by Microsoft to take to Apple. It was an absolute nightmare, and after 7-8 hours of hitting dead ends with both companies (and two others that were equally unhelpful) I ended up finding the source of the issue by myself and fixing it without anyone else's help. It was such a huge waste of time xD