The Woman glanced over, well that wws a strange one. 2122? What on the earths was going on, 1999? Was this a joke. It was mid 2020, Mars Industories, did it even still exist? The Artic base, did it still exist? Did she even exist? What was the date? Little Suprised the woman was ok? Shw was half dead when she came in, now she was fine. Nat 20 on constatutiom role. The woman apecepted it, it worried her but not her business at same time. Tidying her white itricate braid a little and fiddling with the hidden metal pin that kept it all together as a distraction while she gathered her thoughts and calmed down golden eyes slightly alarmed.[i][color=fff200]"2020? What is even the year? Its 2020 right? This is some joke? Did my boss set all this elaborate trick up?"[/color][/i] Next entered a red suited man, fairly solid, plainer fashion about him but as this place seemed to be... Was it. Books and covers came to mind. Thrn came a busker, well he had carboard and a instrament, seriously strange. A little vexed by all thr indoor smokimg and frowned, seriously her dress would smell of smoke and be annoying to clean. Con, a convention, what kind of convention would this be? [i][color=fff200]"Nope, No costume. local neighbourhood robot lady. Though i don't want john Conner. Odd question. What year is it... We have a few version.people claimimg? "[/color][/i] replying in a German accented english, turning slightly and stretching her leg and ankle with a whine of servos and nail painted metalic toes cisable in a designer heal shoe to prove it. Walk no, it was moving again though and charging bsck up. Turning back to her wine and wait for choclate death in food form, Sophia Wollf was glancing round more concerned looking for a Calander or anything to gauge time by. The teo smarly desssed men seemed to be heading to anothet bit, somthing about them... Too smart, too alert. Too somthing. Power... The battery om her leg would last a fair while, it was semi powered by nerve impulse and could be fully just was more tiring and battery was much easier really. What to do... Least there was food and water, that was a start, it was dry and warm. That was better than her misadventure in Artic. Least Sophia had a place to start. If you left would you go baxk to where you started? [@SilverRain] [@Irredeemable] [@Zoey Boey] [@Lady Selune]