[hr][color=5e74ee][sup][h1] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/337870451/original.gif[/img][/center] [b][center][color=5e74ee]ARTEMIS[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=5e74ee][I]MOON RIVER RETREAT → Syrinx Tower[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=5e74ee][b]pensive, intrigued, calculating[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] [color=gray][indent][indent] Deep in the forests surrounding Moon River, a stag grazed on whatever greenery it could find. It’s fur was sleek, maintained only by nature. It’s eyes were deep black, cautiously scanning the surroundings every time it heard a noise, perusing the ferns and saplings that populated the forest floor. On one such occasion, the stag lifted it’s head and was greeted with an arrow through the eye. It died instantly, and Artemis emerged from her cover, flanked by six of her Maidens. Four of the girls got to work tying the deer to a pole to be carried back to camp. The muscles that were so clearly defined along their arms suggested that they were often the women picked for this particular job. Artemis, along with [url=https://www.theplace2.ru/archive/haley_lu_richardson/img/haley_lu_richardson_photocall_columbus_sundance_jan_2017_10.jpg]Zoe[/url] and [url=https://cm1.narvii.com/7008/f41b75efcd0fd274afca513eaae722359e6dd0c7_00.jpg]Thalia[/url], treaded lightly ahead, breathing in the aroma of the forest. She smirked. A fitting way to start her morning, considering her plans for later. [color=5e74ee]“Thalia, what did our girl find out about Poseidon?”[/color] Artemis asked, her voice soft, pensive. She’d called in a girl to tail the returned Grecian the moment the Morrigan had ended her announcements, and she’d returned late in the night. [color=dadefb]“She learned that he’s employed at a restaurant, Captain Nym’s. Going by the name, Peter Samaras,’”[/color] Thalia said, arms crossed behind her straightened back, a manila folder in one hand. She’d been a soldier before this, and her rigid training had not completely left her. She’d always treated Artemis like a general of sorts. Perhaps that was why she was second in command. [color=dadefb]“After work, she followed him to a man’s apartment. He spent the night there.”[/color] Thalia brought the folder around and took a photograph out, presenting it to Artemis. [color=5e74ee]“Curious”[/color] Artemis replied, smirking as she turned to face the two girls, and examine the picture. It was a poorly lit photograph, and zoomed in to such an extent that grain had clouded the finer details. Still, the face seemed familiar. She exhaled deeply, a rare smile on her face. [color=5e74ee]“Maybe our little friend recognizes him.”[/color] Thalia and Zoe nodded along, but by now, they knew not to speak unless called upon. Artemis paced back and forth, eyes narrowed as she fell deep into thought. Poseidon might be a possible ally in the search for the Colossus, but Pan’s recent announcement with Mars had tied an unexpected knot in her plans. His reappearance wasn’t a surprise to her, like Mars’ had been, but it was interesting that this press release came so quickly after the Conclave. She’d always suspected that at least some of the gods, both Grecian and otherwise, had never truly given up their ambitions. It was not in any of their natures to lay down and die. Recent events seemed to be proving her right. [color=dadefb]“We’re ready to head back, my lady,”[/color] said one of the Maidens now carrying the stag on a pole. Artemis glanced over, and nodded, chewing her lip as she remained deep in thought. [color=5e74ee]“Thalia, go ahead and tell Maia to pull the car around.”[/color] Thalia heeded the command, and set off ahead, jogging through the woods, while Artemis and the others trailed behind at a leisurely place. She’d use the walk to gather her thoughts. Pan had always thrived on the chaos of one’s mind. She would not give him that advantage today. [hr] She found him in his office, like the secretary had told her she would. His legs were crossed at the ankles, propped up on his desk, the soles of Italian leather shoes pointed at her. He was on the phone, and when his eyes landed on her, he held up a finger, grinning that devilish grin he’d so perfected. She understood why his story had gripped mortals in such a particular way. Pan was a trickster, a beast of no true allegiance. It had taken her sometime to realize it, but it had made their friendship easier. [color=b5d79b]“Okay, well thank you Mr. Vaughn, I appreciate you keeping me up to date.”[/color] Pan hung up the phone and brought his legs down off the desk, gesturing to the empty seat in front of him. [color=b5d79b]“I’d say this is a pleasant surprise, but it hardly was, and we both know you’re not one for pleasure anyways,”[/color] Pan quipped. Artemis cocked her head, smirking. [color=5e74ee]“You ever try doing stand up? You’d make a killing.”[/color] Her reply sent Pan into a fit of laughter, one that she endured until he’d calmed himself. [color=b5d79b]“Alright Arty, let’s cut the bullshit. I’m guessing you’re here about the press conference?”[/color] Pan said, leaning forward. Artemis might’ve played the charade out a little longer, but she’d learned long ago that Pan wasn’t one to be fooled with little white lies. There was no point in beating around the bush when he’d gone and burned it down. [color=5e74ee]“That’s half of it. I do think it’s interesting, you falling into bed with the Romans when Hephaestus’ body is still in the wind,”[/color] Artemis said. Her tone wasn’t accusatory, simply inquisitive. [color=b5d79b]“You’re one to talk, little huntress. If I were to look into your clients, who might I find?”[/color] Pan’s knowing smirk said enough. [color=b5d79b]“Hephaestus’ death was shocking, yes, but it can’t stop me from doing business. If anything, I needed that contract with Mars even more. Hephaestus and I were set to meet in a few weeks, to discuss what Syrinx could offer Seattle.”[/color] Any suspicions she’d had regarding Pan’s involvement in Hephaestus’ death went quiet. Pan was slippery, yes, but she knew him well enough to know that he didn’t act against his own self-interests. True, he was a liar, and a practiced one at that, but really, it wasn’t his style anyways. There were more important questions to be answered anyways, and she wasn’t willing to lose those answers over an unfounded accusation. [color=5e74ee]“Honestly, I’m more interested in whether or not you recognize this man,”[/color] Artemis said, slipping the manila folder out of her purse and opening it to reveal the picture of Poseidon’s mystery man. Pan glanced at the picture, then looked back up at Artemis. [color=b5d79b]“And what’s in it for me?”[/color] [color=5e74ee]“The gratitude of an old friend?”[/color] Artemis offered, though she was well aware he wouldn’t settle for something so trivial. [color=b5d79b]“An old friend, so near and dear to my heart that she just accused me of murder?”[/color] [color=5e74ee]“You and I both know that if I wanted to really accuse you, we wouldn’t be in your office. And quit pretending like murder is beneath you.”[/color] Pan leaned back in his chair, exhaling deeply. [color=b5d79b]“Keep your girls away from this building, and my house, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”[/color] The two stared at each other for a moment, locked in a battle of wills. Finally, Artemis broke the silence. [color=5e74ee]“Deal. No promises about your new friend though.”[/color] [color=b5d79b]“He doesn’t need me looking after him,”[/color] Pan said. His grin had returned, and he slid the photograph back to Artemis without a second glance. [color=b5d79b]“It’s not the clearest picture, but I’m almost certain it’s Jupiter. Looks like the Roman’s bed holds more Greeks than we thought, doesn’t it?”[/color] Pan chuckled, spinning around in his chair as Artemis chewed her lip. It was suddenly imperative that she secure Posiedon. She stood up quickly, sweeping the picture back into the folder and returning it to her purse. [color=5e74ee]“I’d say thank you, but that would imply you did this out of the goodness of your heart.”[/color] [color=b5d79b]“You wound me,”[/color] Pan replied, gripping a nonexistent injury on his chest. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, Artemis stepped out of the office, leaving Pan and his jokes behind. She’d remembered why she’d given up traveling with him all those years ago, and prayed she wouldn’t regret the deal she’d just made.[/indent][/indent][/color]