Kaiden could easily compartmentalize his mind in to over a dozen different sections, devoid of any emotion or tugging snare that might cause any one of them to spill out into the rest of his head. It helped him keep his calm in this bizarre situation, a situation that could have disastrous consequences to any number of parties involved. He trusted Sabatine when it came to the men, her instinct usually be right when it came to dangerous situations. The Prince ran a hand through his thick head of hair, the mane having already been messed with by Tilda's hands. He shook his head, lamenting what he was about to say. "If Captain Micha said we are not to do anything, then we aren't to do anything...that would be the responsible thing to say, at least. Unfortunately, that's not my decision." He remarked. "I'll help you. But regardless of what happens, we need to try to resolve this peacefully if at all possible. There's bigger things at risk than the life of one man, no matter how much history we have with him. But we won't let him die at the hands of some pirates bastards either." The men around Sabatine grinned, and Tilda blinked, though whether she was impressed or taken aback it was hard to say. Despite the warning against bloodshed, Kaiden knelt down and pulled out a .380 semiautomatic pistol, checking to see if it was fully loaded with a 'clap' of his hand.