[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sjpVOIa.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PJoe9Sw.png[/img][/center] [hr] [quote=Emily] "You just want to see your little girly-boyfriend, Maya." [/quote] "I don't need to see and tolerate the rest of DENs to see him," Maya retorted with a roll of her eyes. It was true, since she literally had daily meetings with him and had his phone number. She didn't bother denying that he was her boyfriend... Because she honestly couldn't care less if that's how they were viewed (and it was what she wanted in the end, anyway). "But I'm fine to not involve them, it was just a suggestion." She stayed silent as she listened to the rest of the conversation... It was a better option than the DENs, and less likely to end up with with them landed in jail. Or being killed off. She was pretty sure that a Internet ghost hunter was less likely to have a kill order available to her. Not that she wanted to deal with this now, but it wasn't like she had a choice. Isla shaded her eyes at the bright flash of light as three strangers appeared outta nowhere (wow, nice, she wished she could arrived in style like that). First there was a nerdy looking girl with a camera, then there was some guy, and then… She let out a strangled yell, automatically flinching backwards without thinking about where she was sitting. With a loud splash she fell right into the water. She floundered about for a bit, spluttering water and her mind going a mile a minute. Her only clean clothes were absolutely drenched and she was swallowing so much water and she'd completely forgotten how to swim and why the fuck was Penny here in front of the coven rather than miles away in whatever Jimmy Buffet filled place she came from. Fuck, fuck, fuck, she was screwed if Penny recognised her how was she supposed to explain that? Oh yeah I lied I was actually in someone's pocket dimension like, she'd be laughed out! This was it, it was time to bail and flee for the hills before they turned on her for hiding the strange supernatural knowledge she had. While Isla was floundering in the shallow end of the pool, Maya was eyeing the newcomers with barely concealed suspicion. Sure, she'd heard of Kimberley Walton like every other supernatural person had. She was sure she wasn't out to actively screw them at least... Her concerns were more the two strangers that had turned up with her (one of which was a man, instant alarm bells). "Why don't you introduce your two friends," Maya said, pointing to the girl and guy with Kimberley. "So we know they're not going to try anything." Then, as an afterthought, she added, "we can do the same, but there's a ton of us and only three of you." [quote=Kimberley]"So, what do you all need help with?" [/quote] "A lot," Maya replied bluntly when no one else spoke up. "You know, one of our own turns into a massive lizard that tried to kill us. Another of our own can't control her dinosaur and also tried to maul a member. There's also the murderous cannibal who killed our only healer and our weird, ugly bat allies. The list goes on." She paused, glancing at Claudette before looking back at Kimberley. "But today we're concentrating on finding someone that can cure curses or whatever, and heal people. We were hoping that you, with your large network of supernatural simps, could help us find someone with that ability."