Darin scowled at Ridahne as she got up, “This is not cold. I pity anyone who thinks this is cold. I did not see snow last winter. I doubt I will see snow this year. This is a seasonless heat trap and you know that when we finally see snow that you will complain about the cold as well.” She then stuck her tongue out at Ridahne, but it was playful, with no ire behind it. As the warrior moved to put out the fire Taja finally flew off of her head. And over to land on the t shaped post that Darin had planted in the sand for him earlier. While her bird was getting ready for bed, the human did the same. She pulled out her bed roll and tossed in out on the sand. There was no need for a blanket. It was far too warm to require a blanket. She gave her head a shake as she rolled over to sleep. It was hardly worth complaining about. -- “Darin Torzenei, daughter of Martin by Talia, Seed-Bearer of Astra! I like that! I like that a lot!” Darin opened her eyes to look at the stars above her head only to see Hadian standing above her, dressed like Ridahne, speaking with Talia’s voice. It was The Tree and this was a dream of some sort. Darin looked around to see that she didn’t know where she was, though she was dressed in the outfit she had been wearing. All of these factors, what she would be wearing, how The Tree would look, where they were, were mutable when The Tree choose to speak to The Seed-Bearer via a dream. Darin sat up as she rubbed at her eyes “You shouldn’t be here, and you know it.” She smiled at The Tree, “Though it is good to see You and to know that you approve of the name change.” The Tree sat next to Darin, “Of course I approve. It the words of a very wise person who I love dearly, “Torzenei’s are good stock.” Why would I regret you being a Torzenei?” The Tree smiled craftily at the human, “Plus it will be sure to upset the Sols and the Solta-Sol.” Darin’s eyes narrowed as she thought, “Is it wrong of me to look forward to what is about to happen?” The Tree shook Its head, “No.” It questioned, “Why are you worried?” Darin sighed as she looked off into the distance, “I find myself wanting to abuse my power as The Seed-Bearer against them.” The Tree sighed as It wrapped an arm around the girl, “I know you know that every Gardener in the past abused their power, on purpose, for either personal pleasure or personal gain at least once. Gardeners and Seed-Bearers are still flawed people. You have yet to do either one on purpose. It’s a heady rush knowing that all you need to do is ask and The Sea, The Stone, and The Sky will destroy Astra for you.” Darin interjected, “That would break the cycle.” The Tree nodded, “I know. But you are powerful. You very rarely act on that power, but for the first time since you have started on this journey you are heading into a place where you know that the leaders and the people know who you are. There will be no hiding behind the name Martin Lively in Azurei. If you must publicly be The Seed-Bearer, you should use that to your advantage.” Darin shook her head, “I’m not even sure how to do that.” The Tree nodded, “I can understand that.” It sighed as it grew quiet for a moment, and then smiled, “Just be sassy confidant Darin, defending your friend! They will make suggestions. Brush them off if they do not suit your plans. Do what you want when you want. Maybe it will unsettle them. Maybe they will adapt. Either way you will have let them know that you do not care for the way they do things. Defend your sister. Go where you will.” Darin raised an eyebrow, “So, just keep doing what I’ve been doing under the name Darin rather than the name Martin?” The Tree nodded, “Yep!” It sighed, “I have to go.” Darin was quick to interrupt, “I love you.” The Tree laughed as It wrapped both arms around Darin, “And I love you.” It kissed the top of Darin’s forehead, “Dearly.” It looked her dead in the eye as It faded away, “Remember that.” -- The next morning, as they were breaking camp, Darin made a request of her sister, “Ridahne? Will you let me introduce myself to the Sols? It would mean a great deal to me.”