Max was surprised to see young Octavia trying to mingle with him. He certainly knew of her, but the actual amount of words they had spoken to each other before tonight could have been counted on two hands. He knew that Gregory dotted on her, and that she shared her father's love of airships. He wondered how she could have become so pleasant while Hubert grew up to become a conniving bastard of the highest order. "Starting tomorrow, I won't be working anywhere." he began. "Your brother has deemed it fit to let me go. I can only assume that he's invited me to this party to embarrass me further." He couldn't be mad at Octavia for her brother's doings, as he knew the siblings didn't exactly get along very well. Very few people could get along with Hubert Augustus Dorrsett, for that matter. "I have considered maybe starting my own company, as I have a few designs that have potential. Failing that, I could start racing like dear Claudia. But what of you? What are you up to these days now that your brother runs the company?"