[center][h1]Mathew Frakes[/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f71c5398-0c94-424f-9c80-522516f974a1.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][h2]Location: Ashford Istitute Grounds[/h2][/center][hr][center][h3]Interactions & Mentions: Self[/h3][/center][hr][hr] Matt woke up rested but sore and took in his surroundings. He was in his room. [b][i]How did I get here? Don't think I made any friends today. Nothing to do about it now except unpack.[/i][/b] He started setting everything out and organizing his room. His Dad had requested he not have a roommate so he could relax and not worry about touching someone. [b][i]Thanks Dad what's a little more alienation to an already socially devoid life. Well you're not here and I can make friends...I hope. The people I have met so far didn't seem to want to have friends. No, not exactly, I can't let my first impressions be so stark.[/i][/b] He finished unpacking and settling into practiced routines. Looking out the window he noticed it was getting dark and settled on grabbing a blanket and see if he could find a spot outside dark enough to see the stars. He made a quick stop at the vending machines to grab something to eat. Dusk was setting in and the lights were coming on as he exited the dorms. The place seemed pretty well lit and he contemplated maybe going up to the roof and quickly decided that, although he would most likely have a better chance of seeing stars up there, there would be little chance of running into anybody else. He didn't necessarily want to be alone but he didn't know anyone well enough to seek them out. He found a spot out in the middle off to the side and figured he might be able to see some of the brighter stars. He set up his blanket and stared at the stars going over the day in his head. Since he was alone he spoke his thoughts out loud so that he could hear how stupid he was. [color=orange]"Well you put your foot in it this time didn't you. Finally, get around people where you don't have to hide and what do you do? Basically, try to force them to fit some image you had your head of everyone being happy and getting along. You have to remember they have their own issues. you probably pushed them all away. You have no idea what they have been through to get here and they don't know you from Adam. And what was that stuff you were spouting at lunch. Did you even have a point or were you just too tired to keep your damn mouth shut. You knew better than to push yourself that hard. Dad doesn't have to alienate you do a fine job of that ALL BY YOURSELF."[/color] He grab a peanut butter cup and popped it his mouth. Taking a moment to look up a couple stars shown in the sky but not enough to make out constellations. Grabbing a soda to wash down the peanut butter. He went on berating himself. [color=orange]"You haven't even been here a full day. Stop judging people....stop trying so damn hard to help people before you even know if they want help. AND DEFINITELY stop thinking you have all the answers."[/color] with that he took a breathe and laid back on the blanket; he could almost make out Orion now. [color=orange]"Next a time I look at stars I am going to try the roof"[/color]