[color=f7941d] [center] [h1]D'Artagan[/h1] [/center][/color] [color=f7941d] [center] [h1]Biologist[/h1] [/center][/color] [b]Location[/b]: The Prize [i]Addressing: [@Tortoise] D'Artagnan did his best to help around inside of the medical bay; although personally he felt pretty useless. He was guided along by the other medical staff; He knew a lot about the human anatomy and medical tools so he could get through some of the instructions given to him. Afterwards he along with Jenkins made their way over towards the briefing room. He wondered how he could be of any help with this stowaway situation. This was a very difficult situation; The religion of his people was the majority and there were other religions on his planet. There was religious discord in the past and some even today; but it was not a major issue in his homeworld. He found it to be deplorable that you are focused into a religion you do not believe in. He wondered if Vei was no better than some of the Zar'Fatwa high priest; causing pain towards others who do not share her beliefs. “Would we be able to try and convince Vei that Carabello is free to believe in another god or not? If not then could we try to get Vei to understand that there are other religions that one can believe in?” He suggested thinking that Vei could be reasoned with; and come to an understanding to save Carabello and the crew of the ship. But deep down he thought that Vei could not be reasoned with which saddened him greatly.