[h1][center][b][color=red]N[/color][color=lime]O[/color][color=red]E[/color][color=lime]L[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Ten minutes was hardly anytime at all, and the sudden requirement made the reindeer immediately lose a bit of her luster, and she was quickly losing it from her half assed answer before. She was quick to realize her gym bag was in the locker. [color=lightyellow]"I'll be right back!"[/color] and back out the door she was again. [hr] She managed to arrive in her gym clothes, her winter ones, she was covered practically from her neck to the middle of her fingers as she seemed to be wearing multiple layers. No wonder she needed the time, she had more clothes on. She was already panting as the class lined up for the quirk demonstration. Her antlers were 'SOS'ing in red, green, blue, and purple as she stood there. Her legs was shaking as she realized this was going to be the most difficult part of today. She knew her quirk was trash. There was no way it was practical or useful to even be be considered. She looked at the others, half of them already with cool mutations. Then she looked to the far side. The support class... maybe she belonged with them. Her and her rotten luck. First was Nadeko, and her... wow weird arms, but it was immediately evident she had magnetism powers. Carol knew xman. Magnetto was top tier, so that was going to be useful. Then Kou came up. Gum powers, somehow that made sense. Great for mobility, reach, sub dual, you name it. She gave him a 'thumbs up' after his display after a little clap. Tarata was up with her cloak and [color=lightyellow]"HOLY GRAMCRACKERSH!"[/color] she said when the weights went flying. Yep, definitely a bad ass. Nakamiji was next, and *shocking* he flew. However, his jump, his dive, his twist and turns. Ba Dump, he was so, graceful out there. Carol's antlers and cheeks went a little red just watching him. Kouji went next and showed off some wind power. So an actual air bender from that old cartoon show. So awesome! She wondered if he could do the same thing and the keys were just a demo. Yang was probably the most interesting, and Carol expected him to just tear things apart with his blobby limbs. But then, a teddy bear, a cube, a flashlight. It was weird, cute, disturbing, and honestly at one point Carol's lights lit yellow as she tried to stiffle a laugh, holding a hand over her mouth and her stomach. The showmanship was appreciate. She clapped her hands at the end of the show. [color=lightyellow]"Bravo!"[/color] Nova did her thing and just as amazingly, she could let her wings grow and she was also a capable and accomplished flyer. Speeding through the gym, but Carol noticed the lack of wind this time unlike Acion. They only noticed because of the other aerokinetic and her mind was taking mental notes. She would have shown her amazement and support until she realized.... Carol was next. The whole time she was watching the others, she forgot about her own demonstration, and immediately, PURPLE lights flashed in alarm from her antlers. Her whole body shoke all over before she stood up straight and nodded, rather stiffly stepping ahead of the class. She prepared this procedure. She put alot of work into it. She had to do... [i]something[/i] to make her quirk appear more useful and special than it actually was. She turned and faced them, a dozen much more talented people with cool awesome powers. And what did she have? [color=lightyellow]"I'm uhh, going to- shhow you my quirk... but I-"[/color] she needed something. A prop. Something that lights up. She recalled where Donny got the flashlight. [color=lightyellow]"Pleashe jusht, wait right there."[/color] She held out a hand and then went over to the boxes that were nearby. She was muttering to himself as she dug around. [color=lightyellow]"C'mon, give me shomething. Ahah!"[/color] She returns with a lamp. Somehow there was a lamp, night shade and everything, a rather old one. Carol has a big smile, and red cheeks as she presents it, putting it infront of her. She then takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and slaps her hands together. Her antlers seem to all light up yellow at once, and much brighter then usual. Her nose joins in, shining a bright festive red. For those that could feel it, there was a certain... electricity around her, like static, enough to make the hairs on your skin rise if you are close enough. Her antlers then begin blinking in a rather cheery rythmn of whites and yellows as Carol suddenly runs a few steps to her left before planting her feet and then doing a cartwheel back in the other direction, her form obviously practiced. Midway into the wheel, three lights, a yellow one, a green one, and a blue one suddenly seem to appear in a small burst of light with the occasional like jolt of electricity between her antlers. They stayed floating in midair until she got back onto her feet, then she reached out her hands, grabbing all of them out of the air, balling them together before she flung the lights at the lamp like she was throwing a snow ball at it. Another flash of light and lances of lightening swirl around the appliance. And then... nothing happens. She stays in that position, like shes about to fight the lamp. A few seconds pass, before Carol realizes whats wrong. She yelps and she kneels down, actually turning the lamp on via its switch. And sure enough, the lamp turns on, without being plugged in. Carol then gives a big smile back to the class like it wasn't the lamest thing ever, and a second or two later, the lamp dims and goes out, along with Carol's antler lights as she turns off her quirk. She then clears the lamp away without saying a word, gets back to her spot in line, and then just drops her head down, her antlers casting a dim blue... completely ashamed and embarrassed and tries not to think about how she's going to be kicked out of the program.