Of course, poor Bonnie wasn't adept enough to notice what everyone else had already figured out. Her eyes widened at the mention of her appearance. She sat up in her chair, glanced down to her sleeves, a slight squint then frown. Then she quickly rolled her sleeves up to hide the cuffs, putting on a toothy grin. Her sentence started with a chuff of a laugh, trying to play the whole situation off. "I dunno what you're going on about, man. It's just like, dirt or whatevs." Bo said, sounding far too relaxed than she realistically should be. After all, there were no [i]real[/i] consequences now that she was some kind of immortal creature, right? Though she was always a fake it till you make it kind of gal. Even then, she seemed to behave well under pressure, always keeping her composure calm and cool. Didn't mean she disliked a good fight now and then, Bonnie was always ready to throw hands over a body by the 7/11. She couldn't for the life of her get a read on this weirdo though, everyone around him seemed perturbed. Her senses were pretty shit, so trying to figure out what his deal was wouldn't help her in any way. Regardless, she could feel the tension in the air change, something was going to happen, and it didn't feel good. At least that one dude had the courage to try and distract him, but it didn't seem to sway the Hunter off her tail. That was when the others started to approach her. The young vampire was silent, glancing between Chasa and Neirie, two seemingly competent if not [i]kind of hot[/i] women. Their offering puzzled the young vampire, she raised an eyebrow as she glanced between the weird sharp-eyed man, and the other two. Seemed like they were all perturbed by the state of her sleeves, and Bonnie wasn't interested in making people uncomfortable. Though the slightly oblivious skater girl she was, she had no idea what the real threat of a Hunter figuring out her Supernatural tendencies was. Her arms crossed over her chest, she fixed her beanie, then shrugged and stood up. "Uhh, If it's some kinda bar rule thing, could just like, leave. I'm kind of short on clothes n'such. Unless you bros are like, totes bent up on my dirty sleeves then I'll get'em wet for you." Bonnie said with a short laugh, shoving her hands into the pockets of her baggy jeans. She would rather just get herself out of there if it was bothering people enough, again feigning true ignorance to the threat at hand. If anything that weirdo should be the one leaving, but Bonnie at least tried to know how to pick her fights. Therefore, the solution to her seemed to be to just get the heck out of dodge.