[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] Now Madison realized that she was the last person that should be doing the talking with the super ghost hunter... Madison knew that she wouldn't be their savior, the magical cure-all to their problems. However, she also knew that [i]Maya[/i] of all people should not be the one that does the talking. Especially because she was acting like Kimberly was a threat and... explained the situation in a completely unhelpful way. "Maya," Madison spoke, "Let someone else do the talking please." And after that Madison had crossed her arms and remained silent. Someone spoke up, and that somebody was Vashti, who she started out whining as per [i]usual[/i]. Madison couldn't help but roll her eyes as she started playing with the zipper of her track jacket... until this bitch had the nerve to gesture at her and then start slinging insult after insult, lie, and exaggeration, complaint after complaint. It was blatantly obvious that this was just a big ploy by Vashti, who probably had Herik and Emily in the middle of it. It was all a big ass plan to put the final nail in the coffin and get Madison out of the Coven. To get her to finally crack and show what a monster she had become. She clenched her fists tightly as she stared at Vashti as her eyebrows furrowed and teeth bared. Madison was about damn near tempted to go punch this girl in the face. Her heart was racing and every instinct in her fucking mind was telling her to finally tell Vashti about herself. However, she realized something. She had enough. "... Know what Vashti, fuck you, I mean straight up fuck you!" Madison shouted right back at her as she flipped Vashti off. "You are one of the most annoying, whiny, entitled little [i]bitches[/i] I had ever met! You need to take this little scared doe Bambi act and shove it up your ass! I have every fuckin' nerve to go beat the breaks off of you for saying that you'll fuckin' [i]kill me.[/i] But, you know what, I'm [i]not[/i] playing this game. I know you're just a little attention whore. Don't deny it." Madison looked at everyone around her, every single face. "All ya'll must think I'm crazy or something. Well, I can't fix that. I would fuckin' say that I didn't tell my-" Madison shot a look towards Maya, "-dinosaur to attack Vashti, that I'm sorry. Ya'll wouldn't believe me and it doesn't fuckin' matter." She walked up to the center, where Claudette was. Before she flipped Vashti off again, "You wanted me out? Well... [i]All ya' had to do was ask.[/i] I've had it to here with this bullshit. All ya'll want me out? Ya'll want out ya' girl that stuck with ya' from the start throughout [i]all[/i] the arguments and other bullshit? It's great to see where ya' loyalty lies." Madison's expression went flat as she shrugged. "You don't gotta worry about it because I'm [i]out![/i]" Madison stormed right off... before she stopped and turned on her heel. She walked up to Claudette as she said, "... And I want [i]my[/i] dinosaur back." She stuck her hand out. "But-" Claudette tried to protest. "Now." Madison shook her head as Claudette put the Jaws keychain in her hands and she was quick to place him back around her neck. Madison heard her guttural growl and paused for a moment as she listened. Afterward, she turned on her heel and said, "Kim, I'll call ya' later. Everyone else, don't bother." Madison went back inside the beach to take what few things she had left and take the rest of their booze. She knew that none of them would stop her. [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/m7zZQBg.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/TqpHQos.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] [quote=Maya]"Why don't you introduce your two friends, so we know they're not going to try anything. We can do the same, but there's a ton of us and only three of you." [/quote] Kimberly's smile went flat. [i]... Did they tell her I was coming?[/i] The hostility in the small girl in the sundress' voice was not lost on Kimberly... it was just unexpected. She glanced towards Penny as she complied and introduced herself, which made Kimberly sighed. She had the feeling that Penny would start something with her. However, she had to be honest here when this girl did not make a good first impression on Kimberly. "Name's Rowan," He introduced himself as he crossed his arms... making sure to stay close to the two to activate his abstraction. He didn't know what they were packing in terms of power but he never protected against more than two different abstractions at a time. "I'm the camera-man... you know that thing doesn't float itself." He chuckled. "Let me assure you that we come in peace... which goes without saying because you guys [i]did[/i] ask for our help, right? Right?" Kimberly had to make sure that this girl was on the same page. Who knows, maybe she was slow on the draw or something. [quote=Maya]"A lot, you know, one of our own turns into a massive lizard that tried to kill us. Another of our own can't control her dinosaur and also tried to maul a member. There's also the murderous cannibal who killed our only healer and our weird, ugly bat allies. The list goes on. But today we're concentrating on finding someone that can cure curses or whatever, and heal people. We were hoping that you, with your large network of supernatural simps, could help us find someone with that ability." [/quote] When Maya finished, Kimberly awkwardly coughed. "... They're not simps, they're fans." She clarified... she picked up everything the girl said but it was... extremely roundabout. And not very helpful. They were looking for someone to help their curses, that she'd help with. The other stuff? Well, Kimberly hated to say it; but she had more important things to deal with than Coven's drama. She sighed as she was about to ask Maya (or someone else) to go into a bit more detail. However, Kimberly was pulled into the Coven's drama when Vashti took the stage and started pouring out all of her woes. The issue was that Vashti became incredibly emotional and started an attack... honestly, it was a lot for the Ghost Hunter who turned towards Penny for a second while Vashti was slinging all this vitriol. What was worse was that Vashti was accusing Kimberly of something that she had no idea about and then Madison started screaming herself. The Ghost Hunter survived and help defeat an eldritch abomination and defeated Apparitions that threatened the world... but she was woefully unaware of how to deal with all of this. Madison walked out and honestly, Kimberly had reached her breaking point. "Look!" Kimberly shouted over all of the Coven, "I just got here and everyone is dumping all of this on me... I don't know what you all think about me, but I'm not your savior." She put her hand on her chest as Rowan crossed his arms. He could tell this was a lot... and it was honestly a lot for him. He could tell that she was deflecting the accusations that Vashti lobbed her way... because he knew the big secret of Madison Brown as well. He stepped up and placed a hand on Kimberly's shoulder as she found his touch... calming. She took in a deep breath as she collected herself and thought of the best way to phrase this. "Okay! Can someone who's not you-" she pointed at Maya, "-or, don't take this the wrong way, [i]you-[/i]" that finger drifted over towards Vashti. "-explain just [i]what[/i] is going on in a calm and rational matter or I'm leaving." And she meant that. [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] For once, there was a silent moment of agreement between Emily and Maya. She thought that [i]Kimberly[/i] was coming, not her two little blonde-haired friends. She narrowed her eyes at the girl, in particular, there was an air of untouchableness that Emily attributed to Liao. Maybe she was cocky, maybe she had something in her pocket that she didn't know about. However, Emily saw the strands between them all and she could tell that they were friends... though the strand between the boy and Kimberly was thicker than average. From what she tested these were personal connections... the strands that connected people that Emily could tug on with words. Emily stayed quiet... even as Maya tried to explain everything. Emily facepalmed as she rolled her eyes and she was about to be the one to tell them useful information (because the great and mighty Kimberly Walton [i]obviously[/i] couldn't be bothered with their little ant problems, could she?). However, Vashti was the one that did the talking, and if she wasn't facepalming at Maya, she was double facepalming at Vashti's theatrics. Now, Emily understood that Vashti was scared after being mauled by a ghostly dinosaur, she got that Vashti was pissed even that Madison tried to kill her. However, the way she went about it was definitely... not the best way. And then Madison started throwing vitriol back at her, took the Jaws from Claudette, then left. Not that Emily was giving much of a shit... if they got her sister cured, Emily couldn't care less. Though she wished the person that walked out was Maya. The only problem was that Kimberly was perturbed by this and... why wouldn't she? She just got here and all this drama happened. She crossed her arms as she rolled her eyes with a sigh in a very dramatic fashion. "Vashti, the theatrics was [i]very[/i] appreciated..." Emily said in the most sarcastic way possible, but she couldn't hold in her irritation at Vashti. Her irritation at the events. It was so much that she had to drop something that she was keeping a secret. "... But, [i]some[/i] of us have [i]other[/i] people on the line here. And you're making everything about [i]you.[/i] And if you can't get it together... let me stop here." She turned towards Herik. "Herik," She started as she dismissively waved her hand at her. "Please get Vashti, she's a mess right now." [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y8f0UJw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/H9epPjR.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] "Maya, please let your sisters handle this," Claudette had to say as she was getting tired of the girl constantly prattling off... and giving half-assed explanations about things (which weren't incorrect but for an outsider they were useless). She sighed as she decided to be the leader that handles everything... and Vashti finally spoke up. Claudette could tell that she was emotional, however, Vashti started lobbing accusations that Kimberly (and Madison but honestly that wasn't as important). "Vashti!" Claudette said in a very thick accent as she temporarily regressed and started speaking French unintentionally... she knows for a fact that Madison wouldn't take this well. And she didn't. Madison screamed and shouted at the entire Coven and then announced that she was leaving. Unfortunately... mostly because without Kayla, Madison was the only raw powerhouse that they had. And the Jaws would not listen to anyone who isn't Madison... which Madison walked up to her and demanded. "... And I want [i]my[/i] dinosaur back." Madison stuck her hand out as Claudette went digging into her purse for the Jaws. "But-"[i]Please don't leave.[/i] Claudette thought to herself. "Now," Madison demanded and she knew that there was little chance in getting through to Madison when she got angry like this. She loudly sighed as she handed her the keychain before Madison turned and stormed off. Her eyes were pretty much shut as she shook her head and started massaging her temples. She was at a loss for words as leader-mode turned off... and honestly, she understood why Agatha and Kayla left them now. She wouldn't be surprised if Kimberly just turned and left right now.