Benjamin had a pensive look as he examined Josh, but he refrained from commenting. Instead he turned to Ray to see if she was still with him and flashed her a reassuring smile. Josh had thought he had been smitten for her and he took a moment to explore his feelings. Ray certainly had a cute face, but at first she was just a patient who was like him and he considered her a friend. Again he felt a jab of annoyance a guy couldn't be friendly with a girl without people assuming there was love involved. But Dia, that was a different story. Maybe she was tangible now, but if she would have never been tangible it wouldn't have made a difference. Still, now that she was there was one thing he wanted to do. But preferable without Josh. They were close to the infirmary now. [hr] A building with a neon sign came into view and Marc pointed at it. [i]Moon Arcadep[/i] it said in bright yellow letters and Marc went inside. There were sounds of shooting and some electronic victory tunes. The dance machine instructed the two players to get ready and from the car next to them came some racing sounds. "How is the sound?" Marc asked as he turned to Sara.