[h2] Much Earlier [/h2] Shion awoke from her 30 hour sleep on an unfamiliar couch in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar dimension. Luckily Ko was there to explain what happened to her. [color=00aeef]"Is that so?"[/color] she looked around to see how messy the area was and that the very couch she was on had holes in it. [color=00aeef]"... Ko? Do you know what I'm thinking?"[/color] "I think so, but how are we going to find a ghost [i]here[/i]?" [color=00aeef]"What? No. I'm thinking we should clean up a bit. You've got some cloth, thread, and needles in that bag of yours, right? You get started on the couch while I work on the rest."[/color] With that said, Shion stood up and began clearing all the garbage she could find into a pile by the door while Ko began sewing colorful patches onto the couch, pushing springs back into place and even replacing a few in the process. Shion opened the fridge and began clearing any expired foodstuffs as well. They couldn't exactly install lighting or anything fancy, but the two were able to disinfect and clean all the surfaces, even the walls and ceiling, before they bagged up all the garbage and took it out when they left. [hr] Summer arrived back in Penrose after her extended stay in the Beach Dimension with a notable tan and a much darker attitude. Her anger was palpable, literally visible from the steam rising from her head as she began towards and then past Beacon HQ into the middle of the city...