[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qI0IA2q.png[/img][/center] [hr] The western highlands had resolved out, less than perfectly. The two principle solutions had not come to pass, the region remained fractured and devoid of unity, it seemed certain it would fall once again into the previous pattern of any similar region. Petty squabbles and pointless suffering. Clearly the thoughtless interventions of other deities were to blame of course. To disrupt the initial flow of events but also to deprive the mortals of agency allowed them to fall back into the previous pattern set by the conditions of Galbar. He needed to work quickly to provide something that could salvage something of value from the situation. While it may not be possible to redirect the course of the west with such interventions from dark deities, he might at least resist and allow moral action to flourish. First they would need the ability to survive and endure whatever may come at them, that they can survive and fight beyond their wounds given the threats that face them. Of course such a device would also need to be well protected and need to have a strong connection to each of the ‘faithful’ as it so happened to be. The design of course should echo what they expect in such a manner from the god Sigeran, after all, it wouldn't do to break the usage now. Thaa formed the golden artifact, a small mobile shrine that should be easy enough for a small group to bring with them. And quickly opened a rift, throwing it through once it had fully solidified. [hr] In the sky above a rift opened and out came a small shrine, golden and mobile. Centered on a golden figure standing atop a pile of bodies. Gems and other colorful stones dotted the artifact, it tumbled before landing, skidding and throwing earth aside as it impacted without harm. The million voices spoke, echoing out the words that described the use of the shrine to the few minds below. They spoke in the echoing words of Sigeran, that victory was still possible as the enemy had fractured and fought amongst themselves. News of all corners of the western highlands, and then the voice left them. [hider=Aquibeophatian Shrine] Artifact, [b]Aquibeophatian Shrine[/b] DP 5 MP 4 Two Free Titles from Soul Port [b][i]DP[/i][/b] [b]Undying V:[/b] Those bonded with the shrine can survive wounds, and even can slowly heal, that which should have killed an ordinary man. They won't go into shock or otherwise be debilitated beyond the physical debasement, an arm cut off means that they can't use that arm, not that they have been declawed. Their soul is tied to their body by bonds stronger than that life ordinarily permits, as such even when they should be dead, they remain tied to their body as it tries to heal to whatever extent it can. This effect grows weaker the more that are bound to the shrine. The effect grows weaker the greater distance one is from the shrine. [b][i]MP[/i][/b] [b]Durability II:[/b] The Shrine is extremely hard to destroy, even things of divine origin of moderate power may find it difficult to severely damage the artifact without a lot of effort. Either immensely power or a very specific purpose may be required to fully disable the artifact. It is unlikely to even be scratched by mortal means. [b][i]Two Free Titles from Soul Port[/i][/b] [b]Soul Bond II:[/b] Those who perform the rites as inscribed upon the shrine can bind their souls to the Shrine, allowing them to know the distance and location of the Shrine in addition to granting them access to its powers to prevent bodily dysfunction.[/hider] [hider=MP Summary] Start 5 MP 5 DP -4 MP, 5 DP ~ Artifact, Aquibeophatian Shrine -1 MP small and quick portal to the Sigeran Remnants End 0 MP 0 DP[/hider] [hider=Summary]Thaa makes the Aquibephatian shrine after grumpily musing that things aren’t going how he wanted, which he blames on others. He then throws said shrine through a portal to the Sigeran remnants and then yells with a bunch of voices in unison in their heads some news about places in the highlands at them as well as telling them how to use it.[/hider]