Emmaline snickered at Amal's attempt at an upperclass Reikland accent as she through her arms around his neck. Her trepidation was begining to fade, if all the Sheriff wanted was for them to show them where they had been attacked, she could just point to the nearest section of disturbed looking earth and the guardsmen could enjoy themselves scouring the woods, whatever Vandershute wanted to believe, this was Middenland and the Drakwald was filled with beastmen and any number of other things she could claim had attacked them. Part of her wondered if perhaps they shouldn't just try to rouse the carpet and fly away, but the enchanted being was certainly exhausted from the long flight from Albion, magical circle or no. "Well, I am certain we will find plenty of time to... rest," she replied with a grin, "but seeing as we have these stout fellows for an escort, perhaps we should explore the town a little..." The guards were less than amused that Emmaline insisted on stopping in at a dozen different establishments on the way back to the inn. She visited a dress maker, a vintner, a leather-worker, a blacksmith and several different taverns along the way. Forcing their reluctant escort to follow and moving on the moment they appeared to grow comfortable. When the guards objected Emmaline reasonably pointed out that Vandershute had told them to keep an eye on them and that if they wanted to go back and ask for clarification they were welcome to. The guards might have pressed the issue except for the fact that they had just purchased a pair of very fine pistols from a gunsmith and neither of them felt it was worth the risk of challenging Amal. Surreptitiously she asked about the Sheriff at each of the places they stopped. The locals seemed to be both in awe of and afraid of the man in equal measure. He was ruthless in his application of the law, but the tale that there were no beastmen since he had taken over the garrison was repeated often enough that people must at least believe it was true. Emmaline did not see how that could be so, but it was hardly the most unbelievable thing she had seen in the past few months so she let it go. The one stop she didn't make was to a bookseller, the city was too small to have vendor who dealt in magical paraphernalia, in truth such things were very rare outside Altdorf, Nuln, Marienburg and perhaps Middenheim itself, but she passed up the chance to visit even the local apothecary for now. Vadershute didn't know she was a wizard, and if she needed to make an escape she wanted to keep that to herself. It was growing very dark by the time they arrived back at the inn. Greta gaped at them like a fish as they entered, clearly not having expected to see them again. "You are back," she stammered, "I thought... I mean..." Emmaline arched an eyebrow at the girl who blushed furiously. "Your rooms are as you left them Master Baba, I made up the bed with fresh linens and we.. you know.. did our best with the holes in the ceiling, nothing serious!"