[center][h3]Skies of Kazimierz[/h3][/center] [center]~[@LiverisGood], [@TinyKiwi]~[/center] [u]Radiant[/u] and [u]Medivac[/u] were Operators of the Haynek Institure of Research and aboard the VTOL desginated Raven Two. They were part of an investigation of the strange presence of Originium in a remote village in Kazimierz called Riventor. There were three teams on the operation but originally, there was only supposed to be one team that did not include either of them but a last minute change by Mr. Haynek himself saw the addition of two more teams. They departed from the institute's mobile base once it reached Kazimierz. The base would soon move away, however, since there was business elsewhere. Fortunately, the VTOLs would keep close by. Once they have delivered the teams, they would refit and refuel at a nearby Kazimierz city and wait there until the teams request extraction. "[color=fff79a]It's a freaking storm out here![/color]" The three VTOLs, however, were caught in a bad storm that seemingly came out of nowhere. Despite the attempts to avoid it, Raven Two and the other aircraft entered extremely turbulent weather. The VTOL violently rocked back and forth, forcing the team to buckle up on their seats. Alarms blared as the pilots could be heard still attempting to evade the storm. "[color=aba000]It's following us![/color]" That was the last line heard when communications to the other VTOLs were broken. The doors to the aircraft suddenly opened as well as the doors to the cockpit. The team then watched as their two pilots jump out of the VTOL, without their parachutes, to their apparent deaths. The situation was so unbelievable that the team took a few moments to process what just happened. The team leader, a Liberi man with short brown hair, ordered an immediate evacuation while he tries to keep the aircraft flying as much as possible. Parachutes were issued to the Operators and [u]Radiant[/u] and [u]Medivac[/u] were the first to exit, besides the suicidal pilots. The thick clouds of the storm meant they never saw their VTOL or if anyone else jumped. [hr] [center][h3]North Riventor[/h3][/center] [center]~[@LiverisGood], [@TinyKiwi]~[/center] The two landed into the thick woods that surround Riventor. Fortunately, they were in the shallow parts of the forest and nearby the two houses north of Riventor. One was clearly burned down though, its charred remains could be seen as the Operators descended. [u]Medivac[/u] and [u]Radiant[/u] landed safely to the forest floor. They could see the burned house past the dead trees and within a few steps, they would emerge from the woods. Upon discarding their parachutes and gathering their bearings, they could start moving and begin their next course of action. If they approach the burned down house, they would see [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVQD7uiUwAE0hK8?format=jpg&name=medium]a fair-skinned Kuranta woman with brown hair[/url] sitting on the burned house's porch, or what remained of it. She wore the clothes of an average rural villager and she sat there hugging her shoulders, rocking back and forth. "[color=burlywood]Destroy the fire... Destroy the fire... Destroy the fire... Destroy the fire... Destroy the fire... Destroy the fire...[/color]" She repeated endlessly. It appeared the house belonged to this woman, although interaction with her might be limited. Further beyond, on the other side of the burned house was a much larger house. The faint sound of a chicken's clucks could be heard from it.