[h3][color=f6989d]Jeimseu the Silent Oracle[/color][/h3][hr] Discrimination in any form was distasteful, and hindered progression. It was disrespectful to the positive aura Jeimseu enjoyed having around him. Why did he openly show his affection towards Pablo? Pablo probably thought he was playing around, but Jeimseu wondered how things would be if he truly dated someone as genuine as Pablo. It was as if the guy couldn't tell a lie. Jeim felt grounded around him. Things felt real. It was a familiar feeling, similar to when he was around his mentor, his master. The man kept him safe and trained him in the ways of martial laws. He helped him develop his Noble Arms and gave him the freedom to uncover various skill and technique. He never felt as if he owed the man anything, and it was similar with Pablo. Ever since he'd met him he wanted to be around him, to flirt with him and hope that something would come of it other than friendship, but nothing ever did. Jeimseu's time was normally spent helping various clubs like the LGBTQ Alliance Group or the Music Club, or other school activities. He was relatively popular in the since that to not know him was rare. Jeim felt the warmth of Pablo's embrace and felt like putty in the younger man's arms. How much he would give just to relax in his touch and read his mind. How much he longed for a simple kiss, or for something to signify that Pablo liked him, that the feelings were mutual. That would all have to wait as he made his way to his seat ignoring the blatant disrespect from the two students whose names he didn't care to know. He remained silent for the remainder of the class, jotting down any notes he needed to. He didn't like failure and strived to maintain a grade his mother would be proud of. He couldn't help but think about Pablo and his relation to the other student who'd be a complete ass in response to their not so subtle PDA. Maybe he should make the first move and just as Pablo out. As he packed his things into his backpack, which was a designer sling bag, he looked up in time to hear the voice in his head. Instructions. More instructions on the mission at hand. This time it was an update on things. They were to cease their attempt for now and wait for further instructions. Even though it was an irritant, he would make the most of this. Pablo. He would ask Pablo to spend time with him in an effort to see if they could be something other than friends. He took note of everyone's faces around him after the whisper had ended. It was strange, but he was observant and careful. It kept him alive and ahead of many others. [color=f6989d]"Pablo, can I speak to you in private?"[/color] Jeim asked having mustered up the courage necessary to ask the guy who he had a major crush on out on some sort of date. He didn't waste time after he pulled him a distance from others. [color=f6989d]"Pablo, I like you, a lot, and I know you probably don't see me in that way, but I want a chance to see how this goes, to see us be more than just friends."[/color] Jeim was in a vulnerable position and he hated it, but he had a lot to do and a very short amount of time to do it in. This was something he wanted, but was he willing to do what was necessary to maintain it? [@Letter Bee]