Kieran watched as Aura ravaged her way through the food. In a strange sort of shame he felt for even watching, he turned away. His eyes wandered downward at this own stomach. He liked to think of food as a luxury, but the truth of the matter was that he was fed--well fed, in fact--and did not hunger much. Particularly these days. What had once been tight, weak abs had fleshed out significantly. Over the past two years, he noticed that he had put on a small amount of muscle--filling out his more lean build. He was not large by any means (at least horizontally), but he wasn't the rail he once was. Kieran thought to all of the meat he had been eating recently. He was sure it had contributed. But as his eyes drifted back up to Aura, he could easily see the malnourishment. [i]My god, they didn't have much in Atlantic, did they?[/i] She slowly finished up and began to talk. [i]"I'd like to ask for your escort."[/i] "Of course, of course," came his hasty reply. Guilt seemed to drip from him more and more as he interacted with her. It was a strange mix of pity and respect he felt. As if he had lived his whole life a victim only to realize he had been the privileged the entire time. Oh what it must have been to be in subsection A. "I'm not sure where to start," he admitted. He forced his thoughts down. It was time for business, after all, and he definitely needed something from her. His eyes wandered to her lips, where they lingered for a moment. The sight of not-so-fresh blood made him grimace. What price was she already paying for sparing him? For coming here. "I was given a dossier of names and locations. I'd show you but I burned it. It was too valuable to be left anywhere." Kieran moved to sit across from her--his elbows resting on his knees as he learned it to speak. He went for a drumstick and chewed lightly on it. He swallowed, then spoke again: "I guess the best thing would be for you to tell me the basics. What the organization is. What they do. Who leads them." He thought for a moment. "But maybe we can do this another way." He grabbed a stein of ale and sat back down. Perhaps this could feel less like an interrogation, and more like a conversation. "I figure we have a little bit of acquainting to do, after last night. So I'll make a statement. If it's true about you, you drink. If it's not, I drink. And if we want to elaborate a little more on the subject, then we can go from there." Kieran took a swig in a small effort to catch up to Aura. Then: "Alright, I'll start. You took me to a family member's house last night." He wondered if that was a good place to start, but it was late, and he didn't want to waste too much time. It was time to skip the pleasentries.