Hello! I’m the NeverEnding. You can call me Never, End, NE. I am nonbinary and most of my characters will reflect that to some extent. I still play gendered characters quite a bit. If you would please use the they/them. Thanks~ I’m pretty easy going with my partners. I just want someone who will reply to me once a week and possibly chat with me outside the story. As for the quality of the responses, I’m looking for someone who can write coherently and provide interesting replies. I’m not asking for a novella but I also don’t want a sentence in response. I want someone who can help further the story without me having to do all the work. Someone who is interested basically in being in a 50/50 partnership. Mature themes have a time and place. I’m not against them, but I’m here for the story first. Original Themes:[indent] A) Medieval world with Asian and Mesoamerican themes. B) Urban Fantasy demon hunter who gets saddled with a demon riding them. This plot would have our two characters inhabiting the same body. Which would require communication between us on how the story moves between our two posts. C) Haunted House- Mainly focuses on a group of paranormal investigators who are filming at a local haunted house and get in over their heads. D) Alternative History E) Detective Story F) Anything Sci-fi[/indent] Anime[indent]Yu-Gi-Oh A) I’d love a redux of the original series B) Yugi x Teà (Anzu) C) Atem x Teà (Anzu) Magic Girl A) It’s a genre, not a specific show, I know. But I think that sums it up. B) Follows an older magic girl/boy as they get dragged back into a world they thought they left behind. [/indent] TV/Movies [indent]Stargate A) Follow one of the lesser known SG teams during the original series B) Redo SG-Atlantis after season 1[/indent] Superheroes [indent]A) Jason Todd x Anyone Story B) Superhero academy C) I’d like a Court of Owls storyline D) Winter Soldier x Anyone Story E) Justice League Dark[/indent] Well, that’s all for now. If you are interested in writing with me let me know. If you want to point out how to make this thread better, I’d be interested in hearing from you. —End