[color=gray] [center] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/overlordmaruyama/images/b/be/Gildia_Poszukiwaczy_Przyg%C3%B3d.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20190603142657&path-prefix=pl[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/fmwHWbnpp9s?t=625](Mood Music)[/url] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][h1][b][u]Competition?[/u][/b][/h1][/color] [/center] Auriel blushed when the demi-human took her hand and kissed the back of it. She had always read those dramatic romance books and fairy tales, and found the gesture to be endearing. She saw Fer's reaction to it, and looked back to Dulaman, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"Er- The pleasure is all mine."[/b][/color] she said, her voice staggered a bit from the awkward moment. Auriel cleared her throat and looked back to the two cardinal heroes, particularly at Fer who seemed a little uneasy from the way Dulaman handled his introduction with her. His comment about company was oddly placed, which made her tilt her head. Auriel gave him a smile and tried to cure the strange tension. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"It is the greatest pleasure to be at the sides of the cardinal heroes. I feel blessed every morning to be of service to them."[/b][/color] When Cole began explaining the plan, Auriel nodded. It would have to do. She was at least glad that he was trying to avoid the enslavement option. When asked about needing to stock up on any supplies, Auriel shrugged. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"My pack is already topped up! I'm as ready as I'll ever be to hit the road with you three."[/b][/color] Her gold eyes flitted between them. She heard Fer voice his thoughts on the approach. She agreed with it to some degree, and took the opportunity to slightly alter his suggestion. After all, Fer did mention he'd appreciate Auriel's experience if it were brought to the fore front. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"I think Fernando is on the right track here. Though we shouldn't just split up to find Rayla. If we're aimlessly wandering her hunting grounds to find her, she'll most certainly find us first. So why not rely upon that? Put Fernando in the open, let Rayla find the shield hero alone and exposed as easy prey. He could undoubtedly survive any sprung trap if there are any, and it could lure Rayla into an unfavorable position for the rest of us to surround her."[/b][/color] Auriel placed her hand on Fer's shoulder. Even just the touch of her hand passed on the divine energies gifted to her, making his shoulder tingle. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"And should your receive a bad injury, I'll be right there to heal you!"[/b][/color] She gave him an enthusiastic thumb's up! [/color]