[@Jb][@Luminosity] Are accepted! [@Penny] will be accepted after she makes some changes. Once those are done she can move her character over to the tab. [hr] How would you two [@Romero][@Duck] and you two [@Gunther][@Flagg] like having your characters travel together? If you consent to that, you are accepted. Your characters are good, they're somewhat similar in certain aspects and I'd be able to handle them without having to make 8 different posts for people. Also please fill out gold and language slots. [hr] [@Valor] I hate to say it, but your character is not accepted. Not because he's poor quality, but after us speaking and after reviewing some of your ideas I think we don't see eye to eye on what the RP is about. You can always try again, however. But he will be on the backburner. [hr] [@Fetzen] Your character will be on the backburner. I love your writing style and you're a fast friend, and your character is good. But his motivation I found a little less than focused.