Silence reigned over the bar as Josip's speech unraveled. There was no scraping of utensils against plates, no card shuffling or tiles clacking, no glasses clinking nor feet tapping. Just absolute silence as fear and worry permeated the air. Had anyone's sights been on Darnies's booth instead of the man still outside the bar proper, they would see his form hunched angrily as he stared blankly at the table before him. The air around him seemed to thicken and gain weight, feeling almost oppressive. But it also felt alive, almost like you could be suffocating for an eternity under the air yet never find the release of death. It radiated out from him slowly, but soon the whole bar could feel the weight of his energy as he stood and made his way slowly to the doorway with heavy [i]clacks[/i] of his cane. Chasa watched him pass her and followed up his rear, ever the stalwart support he needs, and ever ready to be his shield despite him not needing one. Her body vibrated with his energy and was responding in turn, her gray eyes shifting to a natural green and her tattoo shimmering in its place on her chest. It was nothing compared to Darnies, however. When the Witch looked to the Hunter his eyes, normally such a dark brown, were alight with a bright green glow. Lightning seemed to dance across his pupils and cast shadows across his face, which was disturbingly blank. The skin below his eye seemed to crack and dissolve, exposing a tattoo that was no longer thought to exist. The wards shimmered between him and the man like a wall of glass casting rainbow light. "Well, you certainly [color=82ca9d]seem to[/color] [color=8dc73f]have us[/color] [color=39b54a][i]all figured out,[/i][/color]" He began, head tilted to the side like he was entertaining an unruly child rather than a man over twice his age. There was a strange echo beginning in his voice as the air around him continued to vibrate and spark. [color=00a651]"Obviously, formalities have been dropped. That's not the fastest a human has thrown himself into a lion's den but you most certainly were attempting to contest that record, hm?"[/color] The latch of his cane was flipped and he quickly slid the blade out; electricity sparked off the metal as it passed the threshold and wards, the energy making the blade hum with life as it was slowly leveled to Josip's chest. [color=00a651]"As we have dropped formalities, I don't believe I'll give you any other chance,"[/color] His voice warped again, now no longer seeming to be just his; several voices spilled out of a single mouth as the voices of Witches long since gone joined in a chorus. [i][u][color=00a651]"You have no welcome here, you have no prey here and you have no safety here. Should you choose to stay and continue these baiting harassment attempts you will find yourself dealt with swiftly and with [b]extreme prejudice[/b], as you seem to hold so much prejudice of your own already."[/color][/u][/i]