[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] [i]"... Do you really think we can survive on our own?"[/i] That was the first thing that the Jaws said to Madison when she claimed him back from Claudette. She sighed as she kept walking into the house and far as she could tell, nobody followed her. It was confirming her suspicions that nobody wanted her here and honestly, she didn't want to be here either. Madison wished that they could see the light but people like Vashti were actively bringing down the Coven more than people like [i]Emily[/i]. It was with their self-important, "feel sorry for meeeee!", act that distracted them from their actual shittiness. Madison wished that things didn't go the way that they did, but the Coven were their own worst enemy if they put Vashti, a bitch that didn't do anything, above Madison - someone that had their back no matter what. Well, Madison still does. The first thing that Madison did was go for the wine cellar and took the last four bottles of expensive rich people wine that they had. She held two under her armpit and the other two in her hands as she walked out. But, she stopped when she heard someone running up. Madison turned her head and saw Grace... someone she really couldn't be mad at because, well, she was too new to the Coven for Madison to feel betrayed by her. [quote=Grace]"[color=#FF5757]Hey! Madison! D-Do- [sub]fuck[/sub] -Don't leave! Quinn told me what she saw yesterday... I...I know you would never hurt coven members like that. I just wanna know what happened exactly, I... I am on your side already. I can tell from the look of your face yesterday that it was not on you to do something like that. Whenever you do something you always owned up to it.[/color]"[/quote] Madison heard Grace out and sighed. Unlike Vashti, she couldn't stand around pitying herself, she was far too prideful and tough for that. Still, she did think that it was nice that Grace was willing to see from her perspective and understand. The only problem was that she couldn't come up with a good answer to her question... but she wasn't going to dance around it either. "I would, but... I don't even know what happened, honestly," Madison said. "After Vashti transformed back, the Jaws just... locked me in a shell of my own body and then attacked Vashti. I don't even know why I think he was trying to kill her." Madison reached into her track jacket and pulled out the T-Rex necklace and stared at it. "This is weird because he never did this before- once we went to the strip club he started acting like he had a mind of his own all along!" She shrugged. Madison would toss him but... she wasn't stupid enough to go out there without an abstraction with the DENS and (if she exists) Annabelle Heart running about. She knew that the Jaws was incredibly powerful, and she was the strongest in the Coven... but she was willing to put her strength elsewhere. "I wish I could convince everyone else, but they're too busy buying into Vashti's Bambi act," Madison rolled her eyes. "I want to apologize to her, but... people like her [i]live[/i] off this kind of bullshit, as you can tell. They would rather keep this pity-act goin' as long as they could. She probably doesn't even [i]want[/i] to be cured." Madison rolled her eyes. However, around this time she started glowing... and out of her back came three long, skeletal, snake-like necks that ended with miniature tyrannosaurus rex skulls. They hunched over as they faced Grace. "... Our intention," The leftmost skull began, "Was to eliminate the beast," The center skull continued, "While she was weakened," The rightmost skull finished. "Our best interests," "Were our master's," "And that beast was a threat to the entire Coven," "We will protect our master," "With the savagery," "Of a cornered animal," "Or we have no..." All three skulls spoke in unison to Grace. "... [i]Purpose[/i]." [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/m7zZQBg.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/TqpHQos.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y8f0UJw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/H9epPjR.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][hider=Breton - Hours Away][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1EYW8OmkWE[/youtube][/hider][hr][/center] [quote=Maya][color=FireBrick]“So you’re saying that if we have enough money, we’ll be able to get some kind of cure from them? Or is the price more than just monetary? Because it almost always seems to be when it comes to shady dealings.”[/color][/quote] Someone like Kimberly was in the game long enough to tell that what Maya meant to ask was the second question. It was a... icebreaker question. Maya had her concerns, and even Kimberly was concerned. Fortunately, it seemed that [i]nobody[/i] here knew anything about the Dollhouse! "Far as I know," Kimberly fibbed to Maya, "They only want money, but if you follow a script I'll provide, everything should-" [i]Hopefully[/i] "-go [i]fine[/i]." [quote=Quinn]"[color=#FFD700]Grace is rich as shit-[/color]"[/quote] "... And did you forget we have Blake Schmidt at our beck and call?" Emily was relatively quiet during the whole exchange because she was, for once, satisfied with her sisters. Still, Quinn had to open her mouth all the time and be dumb and it was quite honestly eye-roll inducing. "Why should we waste Grace's money when we have him?" [quote=Quinn]"[color=#FFD700]Does she die when her affliction gets removed? Quinn by the way, my bad for not introducing myself as soon as you got here.[/color]"[/quote] Suddenly another girl was giving Kimberly the stink eye! It was almost like these people didn't trust her! Well, they're a Coven of Witches and she's a Ghost Hunter. Unless they were making pacts with shady Apparitions or doing other less than savory things. The group had Claudette, Vashti, and Madison... she was certain they were at least trying to be on the straight and narrow. However, the girl's question kind of hurt Kimberly. It was less of the question itself and more of how she said it. There was a flat emotionlessness to her tone that implied that she didn't care or even [i]wanted[/i] her to die. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kimberly. Hopefully, there's a chance I can still save her," Kimberly answered and gauged for her reaction. "I know she killed one of your sisters, but... she isn't in control of her actions right now. It's the curse [i]compelling[/i] her to kill people. And I will do everything in my power to save her." Maybe that wasn't the answer that Quinn was hoping for, but Kimberly was a woman of her word. "... What if it was one of your sisters that was cursed to do this? Would you do everything to help [i]her?[/i]" [quote=Lyss][color=D3D3D3] “There is a chance that the cure will work on Annabelle. It depends on how much the curse has consumed her soul whether she will survive or not. There is also a large chance that the curse has become too powerful, and the cure won’t work at all.”[/color][/quote] "That is correct," Kimberly affirmed with a smile as the responsible leader (she was starting to like her!) answered Quinn. She figured that she knew a bit about the supernatural, but the question was [i]why?[/i] Still, it was a welcomed experience to meet another expert! Maybe they can compare notes. "Hopefully, the cure will work but if I have other options, then we'll find a way to kill her. As much as I think she needs help, I can't let her kill people." [quote=Lyss][color=D3D3D3] “...There is an extra-normal organization called the DENs-”[/color][/quote] Upon hearing that acronym, Kimberly tilted her head at Lyss. As she had never heard of that organization before. "... The [i]what?[/i]" [quote=Claudette][color=D3D3D3]“I think we have a deal if Claudette agrees to what I have to say. We will bring back a cure and give it to you, but I also think that we should ask for help from the DENs as well. They have many powerful agents, and they could be there to help us whether the cure works or fails. We cannot do this on our own. I don’t want to put anyone’s lives at risk, but I think it is time that we do something about Annabelle. She’s already taken Izzy. What if she comes for us next?”[/color][/quote] It seemed it was finally Claudette's time to speak. She was still massaging her head after that [i]annoying[/i] exchange between Vashti and Madison but it seems that they are back on track. Honestly, Lyss was proposing that they join the fight against Annabelle Heart...? Claudette didn't know. She intended to leave for New York the second that she was cured because she had zero intentions on fighting their war. However, she wasn't going to agree to something on the behalf of the Coven, especially since she was planning on leaving. "I don't know..." Claudette seemed hesitant to agree. "... Well, how about we let whoever wants to join this insane mission decide for themselves opposed to making it a group order?" Emily suggested to both Lyss and Claudette as she uncrossed her arms. Far as Emily was concerned, Lyss was a DENS puppet and the worst part was that she was more or less the leader. It was unfortunate that Emily was the only brain in this Lesbian Sex Cult, but still... she was going to contradict her thoughts. She took a step forward as she sighed. "... Like me," Emily hung her head, and finally explained her reasons for joining the Coven, "Before the Coven was formed my sister was attacked by an Apparition, she survived, but she was left with a curse that's slowly killing her. What I'm trying to say is, help me cure my little sister and I will join this insane mission to stop Annabelle." [i]If she even exists. I'm still not convinced that she's legit.[/i] [quote=Lyss][color=D3D3D3] “Do you know anything about the origin of Annabelle’s condition? Are you sure that she is cursed, and not just affixed to some powerful apparition? Is Luther Saul responsible for her rage? I just want to fill in the details that I’m missing about this. I’d like to know everything you have about Annabelle Heart and what caused this in the first place.”[/color][/quote] The questions that Lyss barraged Kimberly made her glow with compassion as she could tell she was a very introspective supernatural expert at that! She liked it. She had an answer to each question that Lyss presented, but something didn't feel right. She opened her mouth but closed it because she knew that words were... insufficient. "I know the answer to all your questions... and how about I show you?" Kimberly said as she walked up to Lyss and grabbed onto her hand with her own and locked her fingers with her own. "Everyone... well, everyone who, actually cares... grab hands, close your eyes, and then clear your minds." Lyss felt Claudette grabbing her and Claudette felt Emily grabbing hers. Kimberly focused as she tried to transmit the information that she gained from her mind to their own. And then the [b]Recollection[/b] began... [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RANWC9N.png[/img] [b][code]Middle of Nowhere, South Carolina.[/code][/b][hr][/center] "... Great job, Naomi," A group of around five girls stood staring at the ruined tire of their vehicle, a silver Dodge Grand Caravan that had all the tires destroyed. Which would have been fine if they were on a busy highway... but they were on the side of the road in a heavily wooded part of South Carolina. They didn't see a house for [i]miles[/i] before their tire got shredded. "I knew we should have taken the highway but you just [i]had[/i] to flex, "Oh, I've lived in South Carolina all my life, I know these roads like the back of my hand"!" One girl, [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/cc2592cd-7f06-4371-829e-48e74136dfaa/d6dgigb-29a51a02-b4c3-40a5-87c7-6b2b32fa2f01.png/v1/fill/w_808,h_544,strp/day_127___self_by_monsterbrand_d6dgigb-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD01NDQiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9jYzI1OTJjZC03ZjA2LTQzNzEtODI5ZS00OGU3NDEzNmRmYWFcL2Q2ZGdpZ2ItMjlhNTFhMDItYjRjMy00MGE1LTg3YzctNmIyYjMyZmEyZjAxLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD04MDgifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.12ClxuEb-0sLnlcuWJ_UuMa4G7u4Gg0u7G8XJcgHnWw]with brown hair and blue eyes and relatively pale skin and a bony figure,[/url] spoke as she rolled her eyes. She pulled out her phone as she eyed the big red X next to her phone's reception and had to make a dramatic show of rolling her eyes yet again. "Now we're stuck. In the middle of a hell state. No phone reception. Nothing. We're probably going to get eaten by alligators or something." "Kiss my ass,[i] Annabelle[/i]," [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ff/1f/c7/ff1fc7dcefc52fdc38df04c06b4d95b9.jpg]A short and slender African-American girl[/url] spoke her name like an insult, as she put a hand on her hip. "Like I knew the tires were going to get ripped apart like this." "Something doesn't seem right, y' know," [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f2848d7e-4610-4cde-92d7-2fa349912410/d7g79dt-15cc3dc7-cb22-493f-a9cf-f4889f8d0e1e.jpg/v1/fill/w_1111,h_719,q_70,strp/b_d_f_s_a_a___2_by_arctic__revolution_d7g79dt-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD04MjkiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9mMjg0OGQ3ZS00NjEwLTRjZGUtOTJkNy0yZmEzNDk5MTI0MTBcL2Q3Zzc5ZHQtMTVjYzNkYzctY2IyMi00OTNmLWE5Y2YtZjQ4ODlmOGQwZTFlLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjgwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.hxLthqLV1LRu0ZzbIQCII1PNEi18lX5QzkEbm-g8vPE]Another girl[/url] who had a head of flowing brown hair and similarly pale skin spoke. "Did anyone see us running over something? Just like [i]how[/i] did the tires get destroyed like this?" "Beats me, the roads on this fucking state are shit," Annabelle shrugged as she shook her head before she looked down the long ass road. It was around this time where the storm clouds up above finally opened up and it started raining. Hard actually, as Annabelle facepalmed and shook her head. "... Well, we better start walking, maybe we can reach Myrtle Beach before the sun rises." She snorted. However, they saw a car coming down their road and an idea popped in her head. "Everyone! Wave your hands around like idiots!" Annabelle shouted as she did just that... A minivan came rolling down the road and came to a stop right before them. The window rolled down and it revealed an older, black hair woman in the seat with a child in the other seat staring at them. "Oh, you got a flat?" "... Obviously," Annabelle said with a roll of her eyes. "We got no cellphone reception out here, can you call somebody?" The woman reached down and pulled out her phone and revealed that she also doesn't have any reception. "Sorry, cellphones don't work too good out here." "Do you at least know how to change a tire?" Annabelle asked. She looked at the child, then back to Annabelle. "... Does it look like anyone knows how to change a tire here?" The woman answered. "You know what? Get in, you all shouldn't stand out here in the rain like this." She unlocked the doors. "Um, no thanks?" Naomi answered. "Sorry, but I don't want to become a victim to a serial killer or something," Annabelle said as she looked back at Naomi. The rest of the girls seemed to be fine with going with the woman and Annabelle didn't want to get stuck out here. "You can stay with the car if you want." Naomi shook her head as she just watched the rest of the girls and jammed up into the minivan. A short ride later and they arrived at her house in the middle of the woods and it was a huge three-story house with a large number of different trucks and other cars in front of it. So that implied that she was a family woman, or had a bunch of friends over. Still, Annabelle glanced at her phone and still no reception. They definitely would have a landline out here... but then again it was South Carolina. Hopefully, it's not like the Texas Chainsaw massacre where they're a cannibal family. Annabelle and company got out of the vehicle and were lead into the house by the woman. "You can use the phone," The woman answered as she walked into the kitchen, she pointed at the yellow phone on the wall by the kitchen. "But I'm going to have dinner ready shortly." The rest of the girls found themselves sitting on the sofa and turned on the really large widescreen TV and started watching away. There was something wrong here, and Annabelle was not staying the night. She just wanted to get a ride to their motel room in Myrtle Beach and then they were going to party away from this little hitch. Annabelle walked over to the phone and grabbed it and then stared at the number pad. ... She has no clue who the hell to even call. Right when she was about to ask that nice lady where the phone book was when she felt something prick her in the neck. "... Huh?" Annabelle turned her head in that direction and she saw the woman with a needle in her hand and then her legs started going weak and everything went dark... [hr] "... Why didn't you tell me there was a sixth one!?" "Saul, I couldn't get her to come! I didn't want to look suspicious." "You shouldn't have taken them then... no matter, the men are looking for her as we speak and we have a sacrifice. We're going have to pack up and move shop after this." She heard a conversation as she slowly came to... she heard the rain pounding outside but she was not in the room she was... how long ago? Jesus. She came to and she looked around and she was in a concrete cell and she tried to move but she felt a yank constricting her by her foot. Annabelle looked and saw that she was chained to the wall. It caused a jingle and she looked up to see that very same woman and a [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/fe5e33a941039bf5dd589c8112652e18/9e3a48a627fe0750-43/s1280x1920/d788a88b7d968beace49001618aba6974c2b1ecb.jpg]strange man[/url] having a conversation. "Oh, you're awake," The man said. "What the fuck is going on?!" Annabelle asked. "Who are you?" "Not important," The man said as he walked away, "You just stay put, keep an eye on her." And then Annabelle's attention went to the woman as she screamed, "What the fuck is going on!? Is this a joke or something?!" The woman walked over with a disconcerting smile on her face and then knelt until she was eye-to-eye with Annabelle. She said, "It's okay, it's okay, you're about to see something [i]beautiful[/i]," "... What?!" "You have been chosen to meet Mother, she will take you inside of her and you will see perfection. I've seen it and it's beautiful. Eye-opening...." "What the fuck are you talking ab- Sophia!? Sophia!?" "I'm here!" Her sister answered right down the hall. "I don't know where the others are." "They're meeting Mother," The woman answered. "They're going to be happy." "Go to hell, you fucking psychopath!" Annabelle shouted. "I gave myself to Mother, so will-" At that point, a monstrous boom was heard like metal slamming against concrete. The woman turned her head and it was barely a second later a matter stone went flying through the air and slammed the woman directly in the face. The sickening sound of her skull being shattered into a million pieces ingrained itself into Annabelle's soul as she heard footsteps. Annabelle was terrified to see just who was coming but she saw... Naomi. The black girl was covered in dirt and blood as she was clutching her arm. Blood was dripping from underneath her hand as she grits her teeth as she walked up to the cell. "... Hate to say I told you so," Naomi said, "But I knew they were up to some weird shit." Naomi released her bloody arm and pointed her hand at Annabelle and the chain that was connecting her to the wall was snapped in half. Seemingly out of nowhere. She felt relieved feeling free but she had a question as the cell door was ripped open by... nothing? "What the fuck? Are... you doing this?" Annabelle answered, "How did you find us... how are you doing [i]this?[/i]" She raised an eyebrow. "[i]Magic.[/i]" Naomi answered in a way that Annabelle thought was sarcastic, as [i][i]always[/i][/i]. "Don't worry about how; let's get the fuck out of here." She said as she walked up to Sophia's cell and released her as she walked out. She rotated her ankle a bit. "What about the others?" Annabelle asked, "We... can't leave them." "Let's call the police and let them handle it," Naomi said as she walked towards the door. "Sorry to say it, but I'm bleeding out here." "But..." Annabelle said as she realized that was probably the best choice right now. Running. [hr] They quickly made their way to the cellar door and Naomi did her weird superpower shit to blow it open. They were immediately assaulted by the monsoon level rainstorm that was going on outside. Annabelle sighed as her best chance was to retrace their steps and find the police. She didn't want anything to do with this weird cult-y bullshit but something felt wrong about leaving her friends to whatever fate that man had planned. The three quickly ran out into the rain until her moral compass was forcing her to stop. The rain was pouring down on them as Naomi turned around and looked at her. "... What's wrong?! We gotta go!" "I can't leave them," Annabelle said, "Well, we gotta!" Naomi shouted. "The longer we fuck aroun-" There was that loud boom as Naomi's head was splattered into a million bits right in front of their eyes. Both of the Heart sisters screamed as they looked back towards the house and Annabelle saw that man from earlier... he was aiming a smoking revolver directly at them with a cold look on his face. Her eyes glanced downwards towards Naomi's dead body and she didn't even think. She grabbed Sophia and hauled ass as fast as she could... she didn't even consider the possibility of Saul shooting them. She just had to get the fuck out of there. Annabelle and Sophia disappeared into the treeline." Saul lowered his gun, "... I should have known one of them practiced witchcraft." He shook his head as his men took his side and he pointed forward. "Get them, I want them alive so they can be sacrificed." And they charged into the woods wielding rifles, pitchforks, knives, and other weapons that they had on hand. The two girls were hauling ass through the woods, trying to get the hell out of there. They could hear the shouts of the crazy cultists behind them as they had no clear where they even going. They just had to get the hell out of there. Unfortunately, the barely noticed that they reached a very steep hill and barely stopped at the edge. "Shit!" Annabelle said... and heard those psychopaths catch up. "Stop!" One of them shined a bright flashlight on them and Annabelle covered her face. She could hear them approaching her and then she took a step back instinctively- forgetting that steep incline that was right behind her. Annabelle felt her footing completely give out as she felt herself fall backward. Annabelle screamed as she lost her footing and went tumbling down the hill. "Annabel-" Sophia screamed before she was snatched by the men. [hr][center][hider=Hania - Alice is Dead][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkE6Z5ih0O8[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr] The whole world was spinning as Annabelle went tumbling down the hill... she hit a tree when she reached the bottom of the incline and screamed in pain as she felt her forearm snap in half. The terrified woman got up to her foot and then loudly yelled again as she looked around. The adrenaline was wearing off and she could start to feel all the agony... Annebelle was hitting in pain, but she had to get out of her- no, she had to go back for Sophia! She couldn't let them do things to her little sister! The rain stopped, the clouds faded, and she looked around and... she heard the men coming. Annabelle's eyes landed on a cave and she quickly ran inside. Unaware that she had left a trail for them to follow. She panted heavily as she kept running more and more throughout the dark cave and she forgot that bears exist. Or that she couldn't see a damn thing in this cave. Annabelle tripped and she put her hand out and fucked up her other, good, hand. She sighed. However, she saw the cave get illuminated with a strange light... she lifted her head and saw a [url=https://i.imgur.com/Jzd5l0w.jpg]creature of some sort[/url]. So she did the only natural reaction. She screamed at the top of her lungs and crawled backward until she hit the wall of the cave, and then kept screaming. "... What are you?!" The creature with long, predator-like claws, floating horns, and glowing red eyes sat cross-legged as he looked down on Annabelle. Not a hint of emotion on his face. "I am the Wendigo, the man-eating monster that inhabits the woods," The monster said with a deep, gravelly, voice, "You are too late to become my dinner." "That's..." Annabelle didn't know what to say as she realized that monsters and superpowers were real. "... Thank you." "I can tell you are in need of help," The Wendigo answered, "It is your lucky day that I am in a [i]very[/i]... generous mood. Tell me... what is your name?" He growled. "Ann-Annebelle Candy Heart," She answered as she looked around, "Wha-what's even going on?" "I have lived in the woods for months now, and I can tell you I am not the only predator out there, I saw your friend's death... Unfortunately, she would have made a great breakfast," The creature chuckled again as he floated over to her. "Your friend was an Awakened, and if it wasn't for her... you wouldn't have a chance." "I don't know... what [i]even is[/i] an Awakened?" "Out there exists another world that intersects with your own, the best way to explain it would be magic," The Wendigo explained, "That world is the same world that spawned me, and can grant fantastical powers." The Wendigo stuck his hand out and flipped it over and appearing out of nowhere was a black heart, still beating, as it was surrounded with black fire. "... And I've come to offer you one." "What... is it?" Annabelle asked as she stared at the heart in morbid curiosity. "The key to stating your lust for revenge," He said, "[i]The Hunger.[/i]" She had no clue what a Wendigo even was or if this was a good idea, but she could hear the men approaching her... That heart, that Hunger, was seeming more and more [i]appetizing[/i] as she thought about it. The Wendigo climbed up, hunched over as it stood on three of its limbs. The Heart of the Hunger floated there in front of Annabelle. "Accept my power or die," The Wendigo started, "The choice is yours." The Apparition disappeared deeper into the cave as Annabelle stared at the heart. The footsteps of the men echoed and she just sat there... before she grabbed the heart and jammed it into her mouth and ate it fast as she could. It started as the worst tasting thing she had ever eaten like she was eating rotten flesh. She stopped... but then she wanted more. And [i]more[/i]. She finished eating the heart... ... Her pursuers shined a flashlight on her and saw her hunched over something, eating. "Stop right there," He said as he pointed a Glock at her. Annabelle lunged at him, her fingertips sharpened into claws and her mouth was full of sharp teeth. She let out an inhuman roar as he fired wildly at her screaming... ... It didn't help. [hr] Another group of men was going all over the woods, looking for Annabelle. "Where the hell did she go?!" He asked. They kept going through the woods before they saw a body on the ground. Someone had gotten torn to shreds by... an animal? He was covered in claw marks and his organs were all over the place. He loudly wretched when he saw the sight. "Oh, God!" He vomited. "Some animal must have got him!" He said... before they heard screaming in the distance among a bunch of shouting and shooting... then it went silent. "What the fuck was that?!" "I don't know," He said, "We gotta get the fuck out of here!" Another one shouted as he ran back towards the way he came... and it wasn't long before they heard him screaming. "Shit! Everyone stick together!" They all went back to back, aiming their weapons in every single direction that they could. Even though some of them were armed with simple pitchforks and baseball bats. They were tense, and the one with the rifle had his finger on the trigger, ready to fire. Sweat was dripping down his head as he bared his teeth. He looked to the left, then to the right... ... and when his gaze centered he saw Annabelle, staring at him, covered in blood... with their friend in hand, his body was completely limp. "Fuck!" He screamed as he fired a round off at her and completely missed and Annabelle tossed him at the group and knocked them over like they were a bunch of bowling pins. At this time she closed the distance on them and the one with the pitchfork was the first to die as she rammed her claws directly through his skull. They had somewhat gained their footing as Annabelle lunged at the next person and bit down on his throat and ripped it out with her teeth. The man with the pitchfork charged her and rammed her through the stomach with it and slammed her into the tree... and he let out a sigh as it was all over. Then she stabbed him in the stomach with her claws before she pulled it downwards and let his guts spill out. Annabelle pulled the pitchfork out of her stomach as the man with the rifle decided to cut and run. The wounds inflicted instantly closed as she held it... and then charged him and managed to tackle a grown man to the ground. He screamed as he tried to fight back but Annabelle ripped him to pieces and violently shoved everything she could down her throat... ... until he stopped moving and let her eat. [hr] In the distance, she could see a massive fire. The house in which her life was turned upside down was set on fire, likely by that coward. Annabelle kept walking towards the house without a care in the world as she held the man's spine which had his cleanly picked skull at the end. She walked past her friend's dead body as her focus was on one person, who was on the ground. Sophia. She was face down on the ground with an obvious hole in the back of her head. She was shot in the head by somebody and then she flipped her body over as tears ran down her face. Annabelle's hearing was enhanced and she heard a car starting and then Annabelle dropped her body and ran around to the front of the house. She caught a glimpse of the man that started all of this in a red car as he sped down the road. Annabelle watched him leave, staring at him as rage built in her heart. Annabelle began marching down the road after Saul and... at some point, Sophia joined her. She grabbed onto her hand and walked alongside her with that chipper smile on her face. Annabelle's mind was so degraded that she couldn't comprehend it anymore, the only thing on her mind was her target... [i]"... Saul."[/i] [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/m7zZQBg.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/TqpHQos.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] ... The Recollection ended and barely a few seconds had passed in real-time. Kimberly released Lyss's hand and took a step back as she looked her in the eyes. She gauged her reaction, no she gauged the reaction of everyone present. Kimberly sighed as she began her explanation, "I got on Annabelle's trail about a few weeks after all of that went down," Kimberly started, "I caught reports of a bunch of people being killed by a "monster" in South Carolina and I decided to investigate... then I saw that Recollection and knew everything. It was... too late for me to stop Annabelle by conventional means because she simply grown too powerful. If only I was sooner, but..." She hung her head in shame before valiantly held a fist up around her chest as she said, "... But, I am going to set things right, I am going to be the force that helps people and I'm going to find a way to save her - and then I'm going after Luther Saul and bringing a stop to him, the Forgiven, and whatever the hell they worship. I promise you that no more of your sisters are going to fall to Annabelle." It was less of a speech to Lyss and the Coven, and more a speech to herself. This call to action was a mixture of disgust at Saul, sympathy for Annabelle, and... guilt. She failed to help people at Farmer Hill, and now she's continuing to fail people. Kimberly was going to protect the world the only way she knows how.