Table top does not really lend itself well to a forum I feel. In play-by-post, you can genuinely clear a big event or two in a few months. on a table top, it can take twenty or more rounds to finish a dungeon. Figure 4-5 rounds per encounter. If each turn lasts a week, you've dedicated about half a year to clearing a dungeon. Meanwhile, a DnD group can get together and knock out a dungeon in a few hours. PbP and TT may look similar on paper, but they are different animals. I enjoy them both for different reasons. PbP gives me the freedom to narrate my character's actions. I usually have a few days to think about how I'm going to react to something, be it an opponent or something one of my allies has said to my character. With TT, everything is faster and temporary. My character's words aren't being written to the internet, I'm expected to be more spontaneous with my choices. stats and perks limit what my characters can do, sacrificing creative licensing to make a "game." Basically, PbP is all about (mostly) freedom story telling, while TT is more about serving as a game with rules that dabbles into story telling. I don't find the two mesh very well. You can have a good PbP with TT ELEMENTS but to try to do both at the same time is always going to produce something for a niche audience.