[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] The hall outside Agent 13's apartment [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] [color=0080ff]Pistols[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Niah could hear that Oliver had a fight down a floor or two, and Cass was then telling someone to step away from the body. She tensed up. Was Oliver dead? She wanted to head down there and find out what was going on, but there was a whole lot going on their floor still. Cass could handle herself. But she looked at Matt, [color=0080ff]"Something wrong is going on downstairs. I think Oliver is down."[/color] She did not expect what Matt did next. Matt bolted down the hall. The Younger was heading for the Quinjet and they could not allow that to fall into his hands. Niah was saying something to him, but his focus was on the Skrull. He knew Cass had survived her suicidal leap after Bonnie. Matt tripped. Maybe there was a section of flooring that was off, he couldn't say. Especially since he was now flipping over the railing and following the same trajectory as Cass and Bonnie. He cursed. Niah realized that Matt and Agent Asokho were trying to stop one of the Skrulls. He was heading the direction of the Quinjet. That made sense, but why had Matt jumped over the railing? She raised her ICER and took two shots. The first missed. The second found its target and the Skrull fell to the ground. She sighed a little relieved. Niah had gotten used to shooting multiple shots because it seemed her first one or two never hit. Matt reached out, his fingertips brushed the wall, and then he saw the railing of a landing. Thankfully he had good enough reflexes. It hurt with the change in velocity but he wasn't hitting the ground floor with a splat at least. He winced and tried to pull himself up but his shoulders weren't in the right position for it. He looked down, he could drop and possibly land without hurting himself. He was up a floor from the ground floor.