Jacqueline left the studio, took in a deep breath of warm California air and then... Slip into an alleyway. Now this? This was interesting. Looking down both ways of the street to make sure nobody was watching, she would sidle into an alcove and tighten the buckles on her jacket and pull up the collar. Then, to complete the look, she would draw out a wide-brimmed hat from her handbag, shake it a little to puff it out to its correct size, and tug it down low so it covered much of her upper face. It wasn't a perfect disguise, not by a long shot, but it was enough for her to be reasonably safe she wouldn't be randomly accosted in the street, even if it was slightly less stylish than was expected of her. The heels were something of a giveaway, but it wasn't as if she could change them on a whim; she had to stuff enough things into her bag already. Walking out the alleyway calmly, she would cross the street briskly and take up a position in the shade of a palm tree, looking intently down the road. Or, to be more precise, down the [i]rails.[/i] If there was one thing you had to commend the regime on, it was their dedication to transit. The American Highway system had never seen more support than it had now, and even the LARy lines were quicker, quieter and more comortable, and it was this line that Jacqueline was clearly hoping to hop onto. When the streettram came along, she would hurry towards it, and in a display that was as impressive as it was dangerous hopped up and onto the rear of the open streetcar as it slowed to make a turn. She had a weekly pass in her purse should the conductor question her; but a long time ago she had found that waiting around at stations was just [b]begging[/b] to be recognised. Besides, she was young and fit, why not enjoy a little excercise and fun? Normally, such an act would have thrown off a casual paparazzi, but a private detective might just know that this particular line happened to be heading west, to Santa Monica, and that if one was quick enough, they could head off anyone headed towards the coast as they made the changeover from the Hollywood lines to the Santa Monica lines.