The sun beat down on Neil like he was a middle school band geek in the boys locker room. Taking a drag from the cigar, he didn't really mind it. Back on his homeplanet, he'd lived in one of the hotter regions. There was nothing like leaving your cold house to sit down in the mech you built yourself and heat up from the midday sun. Admittedly, he was overly thirsty and he took a big swig of his canteen of water, provided by Stinger herself. She'd only given him one, and to his distress she had given it to Junebug to give to him. Sayeeda had been devoid of emotion handing it to him, but he quickly reminded her they could share now and fuck Stinger over by paying it no attention, which is what they had been doing since they got out here. What really bothered Neil, other than Stinger's attentions, was Taya wielding an assault weapon and having it on-hand at all times. He loved her but she was so excitable he didn't want to be within range when the fighting started...if the fighting started. "I can tell you've never been an intern." Neil jibbed at Taya, grinning in the sunlight. He wore his trademark glasses, giving him a particularly arrogant look. "An intern? What's that?" She asked him as the vehicles began to kick up dust when they picked up speed. Neil could just barely believe she was serious. He wiggled his fingers on one hand lazily while he explained. "That's a position you take at a company or what-have-you that's unpaid, but gives you work experience to do your next job. People do it so they can be recommended elsewhere." "...That...sounds like slave labor." "...It kind of is, but luckily what we're doing is better than an internship. Our employment is guaranteed after we pull of this little score here, yeah?" He said, nudging her with his elbow a bit. "Come on, at least we'll get paid soon. Better than drifting through space with no hope like we were doing." "Keep. your. eyes. open." Junebug ordered again. Neil looked her way and saw her, foot on the dashboard with her back foot behind her to keep her steady, and rifle in the air, head covered. She looked so picturesque and blatantly militaristic he would have figured she was the spokesman for some inter-stellar mercenary company. Neil slid his goggles over his eyes and swung his legs around, now watching their backs at the back of the jeep, weapon ready. "Yes captain." [@Penny]