Betrayed. Betrayed. Betrayed. Bella is soaked with adrenaline. Every nerve is lightning, arcing backwards from the tips of her fingers and her toes across the length of her limbs, deep into her core until her heart pounds and sends them to explode inside her brain. She chokes on her words with great, heaving gasps. Her retort is lost inside her growl. Her wit is something she slashes into the floor beneath her hands. Betrayed. Betrayal. Traitor. Her heartbeat quickens. It rushes like a river until the pulsing of her blood is the only noise inside her desperately straining ears. And even still, the word echoes inside her. It bounces. It leaps, like a dancer by the fireside, gleefully adding more wood and fanning the roaring bonfire without regard to the dry brush all around it. Her body burns, white hot. She shakes with the effort of keeping it inside of her. Traitor. Traitor! Betrayed! She! "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT! UP!" Bella explodes, faster and more terrifying than any Thunderbolt seen this day. She tears gashes in the floor as she bounds on all fours at the start, unaware of every sensation except that of moving forward. Her legs shatter the marble tiles as she leaves them. Her feet touch the ground once, and scream lightning at her body. She flies. Her golden eyes are trembling, ugly, filled with hate and wet in spite of everything else. She flies, and her spine curves to support the bend in her elbow. Her claws sing like scythes through the air as she hurtles toward Vasilia. The weapon that felled both Queen and King now turns itself on a Captain. Bella swings, with the full force of her body. Her hand slashes in a wide arc travelling diagonally from face to foot with a furious rush and a pressure that seems to tear gashes through the air itself. Wild power, without restraint or care for it, lacking any precision or intent except to see the other cat fall messily in half right in front of her. There's so much raw strength in her swing that it sticks her claws into the ground like spears where it finishes. She follows the momentum without a hitch and spins in a full circle that carries a crushing heel straight at the pistol taking aim at her. Bella wrenches herself free. She rolls her neck from side to side without a single pop or crack, and starts hunching low for another pounce. There's a terrible laugh that won't stop bubbling out of her lips. She grins, a sick thing that drips with slobbering malice instead of mirth. "Redana is [i]mine,[/i]" she trills, as her eyes flicker dangerously, "I won't let you steal her from me, you backwater slut." [Vasilia, damage your Grace]