[hider=Emilio Virtoli] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/18/a9/45/18a94565a59ed292fc69a4bc5867b2fd.jpg[/img] [u][b][h2]Emilio Virtoli[/h2][/b][/u] Dre Costa | 27 | Male [/center] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [indent]Skin darkened by the sun and with a natural tan from his Dre Costa ancestry are immediately obvious when looking over the man. Black hair is kept managed and cut above or tied above his shoulders to keep it proper and controlled. Rich Hazel Eyes stand out surprisingly beside a strongly defined nose. He has some strength to his body but not that of the standard day worker, as loading and unloading is only occasional to his travels. Enough to keep fit but not especially athletic. More importantly to him is his fine black dress clothes for when he's about town, sleeves puffed slightly and tailored to his form. Otherwise he tends towards simpler traveling clothes so as to save on costs and not immediately display wealth to unkindly onlookers.[/indent] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [indent]Emilio is boisterous and cordial to an almost obnoxious degree when meeting him. Aiming to please and get into people's good graces quickly. Its a learned but almost impossible to stop behavior as it leaks into his casual conversations. Both a benefit and off putting given the state of the world and the places he visits at times. He can be serious when it comes to things but he tries to use good spirits to catch people's attention.[/indent] [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [indent][list] [*]Profession (Merchant) [*]Class [*]Heritage (Son of Alivse Virtoli, his father and a former merchant, now a simple laborer. Son of Gioia Vortoli, his mother and a part-time seamstress part time inn maid.) [/list][/indent] [u][b]History[/b][/u] (Optional) Emilio had been born into unfortunate times for his family, having to live effectively on the streets for the young years of his life as his father had been barred and denounced after a shipment went wrong. His superiors had shifted the blame of a lost caravan solely upon him and their word carried heavier weight. Conveniently of course this kept him not just from receiving any share of the last deals payment, but of his typical month and beyond share. Thankfully for Emilio, there was still some sympathetic contacts that had figured it was a stroke of bad luck and offered to take the boy in and apprentice him. Though he lacked any formal education at first, used to that of what was needed as a street urchin, he picked up fairly quickly to the work. He trained his mind for many of the tasks needed and practiced his silver tongue on convincing the other children of things fairly often. Mostly kept to working as an assistant, helping pack and load different wares, eventually he was allowed to shadow other members of the local company to trade dealings and on travels. This still kept him mostly as the physical laborer grabbing whatever was needed, but it gave him some practical and on the job experience. It would be numerous years of this cycle but it all served as part of the apprenticeship. Eventually, he would be entrusted to handle smaller deliveries of good on his own and kept to smaller collections. Slowly a realization set in that he wouldn't be entrusted to larger tasks locally given the damage done to his family's name. He'd have to set out as an independent for any hope of true forward progress. Quickly he made his mind up and gathered what savings he had to pursue it. Purchasing his own cart and pack animal, a (hopefully) reliable donkey named Bertillo, he had what bare supplies he needed. Ledgers would have to start small and personal, kept in a single smaller diary on his person but he would seek his own fortune. As to where he would seek to find it? That would be wherever the world would drift him. Underscoring all this was the true harshness of the world he had yet to truly experience. Negotiations and belligerence of man was all well known to him. He had seen a small bestiary of animals on his travels, but he had yet to truly experience the terrors that lay out there. [u][b]Motivation[/b][/u] Emilio enjoys traveling the world and hopes to open his own proper trading company in the future. This is partially to spite those that had put his family in a rough spot and to bolster his family's name. Rich tales and getting to hear the going on-s of each new place keep invigorating him, and it is a comfort to revisit old stomping grounds and see how everyone has fared. There is the rare hope his talents might prove useful in some bigger way in the future that will land him big, but he's content to keep on with the way things are for now. [center][h3][b]Capabilities[/b][/h3][/center] [u][b]Attributes[/b][/u] [u][b]Combat[/b][/u] [1/1] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*]One-handed Swords 1 [*] [*] [/list][/indent] [u][b]Intelligence[/b][/u] [1/1] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*]Appraisal 2 [*]Literacy 1 [*]Math 1 [*]Linguistics 1 [/list][/indent] [u][b]Charisma[/b][/u] [1/1] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*]Diplomacy 3 [*]Charm 1 [*]Voice 1 [/list][/indent] [u][b]Health[/b][/u] [1/1] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*]Hearing 1 [*] [*] [/list][/indent] [u][b]Faculties[/b][/u] [1/1] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*]Intuition 1 [*] [*] [/list][/indent] [u][b]Agility[/b][/u] [1/1] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*] [*] [*] [/list][/indent] [u][b]Mysticism[/b][/u] [0/3] [indent][/indent] [indent][list] [*] [*] [*] [/list][/indent] [hr] [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] [indent][list] [*]Cart + Draw Donkey [*]Merchant Clothes [*]Sabre [*]Personal Ledger [/list][/indent] [u][b]Money[/b][/u] [indent]4 royals, 2 lordlings, 85 commons[/indent] [u][b]Languages[/b][/u] [indent]Dre Costan, Northern, Elvish[/indent] [/hider]