Duncan cringed a bit at the remarks about skittish horses, his horse was very skittish. He needed to keep the reigns tight and constantly reassure and calm the beast. He missed the horse he had lost. That was a magnificent beast, smart, tough and calm. This horse was untrained and probably still stressed by the events that lead to the demise of his trusted companion. He sighed and patted the neck of his horse, feeling a bit guilty he was comparing the two. The horse couldn't help it either and they would have to make the best of it together. He just hoped that keeping in front and the dragons down the wind would keep his horse from running off. Gnol chuckled briefly before he listened to the others. "Say, Noble, how are we going to introduce you? full name title and everything? You know the usual blah. Name, family name, of something, the whatever, from wherever, the umpteenth ruler and so on. What is your long list ceremonial blah introduction? Aren't royalties suppose to have that?" "Yes, Ma'am," Alan said when Rai told him to sit with Ricki. Alan took Ricki's hand and gracefully climbed on Mercury's back. Alan leaned a bit sideways. "Mercury, if you start to feel pain or more pain, let us know, we don't want to strain you." He wondered just how fast a dragons gallop was and if it was comparable to a horse or a different kind of gait. He had to feel how the dragon moved to know if he could sit like on a horseback or that he had to take a different position for the best comfort or least amount of pant tearing. RedClaws immediately followed the other dragons. With his powerful wings, it only took a few beats to get off the ground and a few beats more to catch up. He mostly didn't care what they would or wouldn't find at the Order. A very small part of him did though, there was a little knot of anxiety for what they would find there. Crreessa was just curious to see where her brothers life had been as rider. "How far is it?" Shouted Crreessa to get above the noise of the flying dragons and the wind pulling at her words.