[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/da/a0/5a/daa05ae5e66f53324507f80a556a0da8.jpg[/img][/center] Character you have created: Sinclair Adams Alias: Hound Dog Speech Color [color=fff200]This color, yellow?[/color] Character Alignment: Hero Identity: Public Character Personality: He’s a man who can’t leave someone alone when they are in need, even when he lacked the use of his legs and had limited arm movement he still tried to stand up to bullies when someone called. He watched Happy Days as a child and tried to model himself after Arthur Fonzarelli or Fonzie, noting that he was worried he’d become like his drunken mother who abused him and his father always belittling him for his many failures. He’s protective of the weak, a defender who prioritizes the people over fame or money though he does make public appearances to discuss current metahuman issues. To put people at ease, he adopts a theme as a rockabilly speaking and dressing in their style, something to distract others from the troubles and to better identify how he wants to present himself as laid back and in control. Uniform/costume: He dresses in leather jackets and jeans, and has no spandex like costume nor mask. He wants to be open and honest with a welcoming smile. [hider=Outfit] [center][img]https://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/no-slug/5ce447d96effb11d564e0f8a8159e64a.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Origin Info/Details: Born of italian descent to Bianca and Dario Adams he was raised in Pacific Point and grew up rather normally until one day at the age of seven he visited his father’s work. He had been warned not to play around the docks were no place for a child but they lived close enough that he’d wander over, the accident that paralyzed him was also the fault of his father, although the report said faulty gears on the forklift Dario never forgave himself, and felt there was something anything he could do to prevent it. A fact Bianca constantly reminds him of and one she never forgave him for; slipping into alcohol under the pressure of raising a paraplegic for a son. She always felt she could have married better, a richer man. As the tensions in the house slowly boiled over Adam hunkered down into his books, and old TV shows. He learned, and while he was bright he dedicated his young life to science, medicine and theoretical physics. Hoping that he’ll become good enough to make up for his parents mistakes, that he’ll save lives and heal the rift between them. All through school he tried to be the good guy, the one who diffused conflict despite being wheelchair bound, all that changed in the last year of high school when domes covered cities and gave people powers. It took him a while before he could apply his powers to himself but thanks to his bookworm past he could theorize many practical applications. Hero Type (Select one): Elemental Electricity Generation/Manipulation Power Level (Select one below): C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman) Powers (Be Specific): Electricity Generation/Manipulation Able to produce nuclear reactor levels of electricity there is little chance he will ever be drained dry he is by far the electrical user with the most potential output allowing him to defy gravity and even lift objects from the water through electromagnetism. He can produce a barrier that deflects physical objects as long as they can be conductive even if only slightly. Shoot lighting bolts, and reduce the speed of his falls using electromagnetism to create a negative charge upon himself and save himself from lethal falls. And even discharging electrical pulses. That are more like orbs of lighting. He even has incredible speed, zipping over telephone wires, or water any surface with electricity he can propel himself over increasing his speed upwards towards 300mph however aim and his own body begin to feel the stress aim is gone and if he felt pain so too would his nerves. That seems a little fast, I may reduce it, or just try to avoid using those speeds. Enhanced vision. Being able to see the electromagnetic spectrum he can discern people’s internal nerve signals, how fast a heart beats, how a person lies and sometimes see the difference between those who are unnatural aka those who are powered or not normal. His most famous skill is a railgun, propelling an object at mach speeds, even faster than mach 7 absolutely smashing the object into the target. He charges his arms separately creating different polarities and using the length of his arm to launch the object often a disk. Since he cannot feel pain he also is unaffected by muscle fatigue and injuries. Although he will definitely need to see a doctor if he is shot or otherwise injured. Unknown to Hound Dog he has a minor regenerative ability, cuts and minor wounds heal within hours further complicating things as he cannot tell if he has been injured. However he could apply his powers to more serious wounds if he was aware he could accelerate his healing through electrical stimulation. Maybe even repair his nerves. Attributes (Select one at each category): Height: Weight: 167lb Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human, 30 Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human, 2 Agility: Normal Human, 5X, Intelligence:Genius Fighting Skill:Highly Trained in a few years maybe he’ll master them. Resources:Average while he does make money from his TV appearances, he donates quite a lot he doesn’t use or save. And since he doesn’t have a car he puts all his cash to savings for his College fund. Weaknesses: He is not immune to his own powers, not yet. While his body is adapting to the voltage he outputs, the sheer potential he possess is more than his tolerance can handle. If he’s not careful he could completely fry whatever nerves he has left and turn his body to ash. Something that he is already beginning to notice. He is also unable to aim when he travels great speeds, though he can defend against some physical objects heat and drowning or many things can kill him. His barrier is activated by will and if he’s not quick or if he’s careless bullets will kill him. His tolerance to his powers severely limits how much he can produce, while he is still more powerful than most electro masters his ability to draw from his pool is far more harmful to himself than others as the more he pulls the more his body begins to char. He theorizes that at the current timeframe and the graphs he’s made he’s unlikely to bear his true powers for decades. His inability to feel pain is also dangerous, infections can sprout up more easily and if he’s not checking his body often minor wounds go unnoticed even broken bones can sustain further damage Supporting Characters: Mother Bianca Adams and Father Dario Adams Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: No? Yes? Who told you!! Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.)