[img]https://www.gamegrin.com/assets/Uploads/_resampled/croppedimage640200-e714e7c80b452adf8e1c54f935753099.jpg[/img] Welcome to [b]Flare: A Simple Farm[/b], an RP set in a supernatural/horror/urban fantasy, an original universe I’m simply referring to as Flare right now. This RP will be doing its best to show how a world may adapt to superpowers becoming the normal majority and achieving a normal life in such. However, nothing is ever normal when it comes to people, and all the problems that we have now on Earth have only amplified in this new world. This RP will be character driven and heavily guided by the cast, and as such, anything can happen. This is the first creation in this universe and if it goes well, others will be made. I'm looking forward to a building a world together, rife with political, religious, military conflict, from the prospective of a group seemingly on the outside of such things. This particular story was born simply out of the idea of how one feeds so many high metabolism super-powered individuals. RULES [hider=1. OOC Rules] 1. We’re all here for fun. Don’t be a dick or I’ll remove you. 2. I can deny and/or remove people at my will, and will do so if you’re being a dick. 3. I will not pester you to post. I will be posting at a minimum once a week, and would like everyone to maintain that post rate as well. If all parties post at least once before the week limit, I may post earlier. 4. Be respectful to all players. 5. Do not post a WIP Character Sheet in the OOC. Finished CSs only. Character Sheet Applications go into the OOC. Only approved Character Sheets may go into the Characters tab. 6. Try to keep the OOC tab as active as possible. I do not mind any discussions in there so long as they are in line with the rules of the site and this RP. [/hider] [hider=2. IC Rules] 1. No Godmodding, no powergaming, no metagaming, etc. You know the drill. First time will result in an IC consequence with an OOC warning. Second time will result in character death and removal/banning of the writer from the RP. 2. Again, asking for 1 post a week from all participants. 3. I’m not enforcing a posting order. Everyone should post after my posts, in whatever order they wish and makes sense to them. Do not force others to participate/wait on a post order. 4. I am not stickler for post length, however, I would like for you to write enough so that others have something to respond to. Typically this is a paragraph or two, at a minimum. 5. This RP, at times, will get very dark. I plan for it to be a very mature, and down-to-earth Roleplay. There will be death, drinking, drugs, sex, etc. 6. Romance/Sex/Whatever is allowed in the RP. "Fade to black" is commonplace, so act like it. I will say, if you decide to do such things in the privacy of PMs/Gdocs, I will ask to be kept in the loop, if only for lore and story consistency. This does not mean I will participate, just that I’m aware of what is going on. 7. Character death is a real possibility. By submitting a character, you understand that they have to take responsibility for their actions. They will not be bailed out by me and possibly get injured or die. I won't jeopardize the story for one character. They can also be killed by other characters. I won't go out of my way to kill off any character - that I like - but I may injure them for the sake of the story. 8. To keep things a bit more organized, please say where your post is taking place at the start of your post. 9. If you're also expecting me to hold your hand every step of the way, then you're going to be disappointed. This is going to be an RP that rewards taking initiative, and starting plotlines of your own. I'll provide a storyline, but I'm not going to be railroading everyone. [/hider] [hider=3. Character Creation Rules] 1. Everyone should be directly associated with Bullfrog Run Farms. -Co-Farmers - Get a parcel of land on the farms they are in charge of, including a home. They can choose the crops, employees, etc, under the guidance of Frank. All Co-Farmers get a vote in major farm matters, as well as equal profit sharing. -Specialists - Get a small parcel of land for a home. Provide specialty services to the farm, which could include but is not limited to: Beekeeping, Quality Assurance, Logistics, Sales, Nature Preservation, Marketing, etc. There are many options for this role. Specialists must provide their services equally for the benefit of all Co-Farmers. All Specialists get a vote in major farm matters, as well as equal profit sharing. -Apprentices - Live in the shared apprentice housing, typically a cabin for 4-6 people. Apprentices work directly with a mentor from the Specialists or Co-Farmers. They are provided free room, board, and a small spending stipend. They do not get a vote nor any profit sharing. -You may attempt to fill another role that is not mentioned here, but those will be reviewed on a case by case basis. 2. I expect some moderate detail when writing your character sheet. Remember, this RP is more grounded in realism, and I want each character to feel like a person. Try to give them a believable past, goals, personality, etc. If you wish to create background lore in this universe, feel free to do so. I’m leaving it fairly open aside from any details mentioned above. However, do keep in mind, it does need to be fairly realistic in the setting, and I may recommend alterations. 3. Do not bother trying to make a “win it” style character by being the best at everything. This isn’t that type of roleplay and I will shut the character down if alterations aren’t made. 4. Flaws are fun. 5. Making a psychopath, sociopath, perfect character, ultimate badass, etc will likely lead to me requiring alterations or denying the character altogether. 6. You can create a character of any ethnicity, gender, sexuality, background, etc, within the bounds of realism. 7. Every character in this universe has exactly 1 power. This means if you get super strength, you do not also get super durability. Additionally, all abilities should have some drawbacks and limitations listed. If it is a physical ability, this will often include a massive caloric intake in addition to other drawbacks. Hypnosis, mind/emotion control, memory manipulation and similar abilities have not been discovered to exist. People can have the same power and many do. 8. You can have up to three characters, be they main characters or NPCs that accompany a main character. Other people, myself included, cannot control these three characters. You may leave these slots empty to pick up characters along the way. 9. You may use a realistic, non-anime image in addition to written physical description. 10. Even though it is 2040, you can assume tech to be mostly on par with 2020 levels, with slight improvements on things. 11. The cast will start off knowing one another. [/hider]